Tell diet "No!": Almond donuts

 Despite the fact that all the holidays are behind us, my culinary nature wants to continue the feast. Listen to the call, it was clear: a salad of grated carrots and apples can not do here, I want something tasty and harmful. So I thought about this recipe.

I love donuts, but makes them very, very rare. Not only because of their overall "harm" and calorie content. Preparation of the "right" donuts - a long and tedious work, not always possible to achieve the desired result.

Relatively recently, I found a recipe that does not require much effort: most of the work for you to make a blender or food processor. However, advise in advance to worry about the necessary ingredients, especially high-quality almond flour and delicious soft dates. The latter were brought friends from Tunisia, had a spicy flavor, tender flesh, their skin is easily removed without a knife, boiling water and other executions.
Tell diet "No!": Almond donuts
For the preparation of donuts with date-cinnamon topping you will need:
  • 1 1/4 cup almond flour;
  • 1/4 h. L. salt;
  • 1/4 h. L. baking powder;
  • 1 hr. L. nutmeg;
  • 1/2 h. L. cinnamon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/4 cup melted butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 1 vanilla pod (or 1/2 hour. L. Vanilla extract).


  • 1 cup pitted dates;
  • 1 hr. L. cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. melted butter;
  • nuts (toasted and chopped);
  • coconut (savory).

Tell diet "No!": Almond donuts

Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and transfer to a blender. Do the same with the wet ingredients (including seeds vanilla). Mix the dry and wet ingredients in a blender until a glossy dough (which in any case should not be excessively thick or liquid).

Tell diet "No!": Almond donuts

Pour into greased molds for donuts, filling them 2/3.
Bake the donuts you need within 10 minutes. Do not overdo them in the oven, otherwise they will be dry.
Palm-cinnamon topping:
Chop pitted dates, cinnamon and melted butter in a food processor until a thick paste. In a shallow bowl, combine nuts and coconut. Set aside.
Now the fun part - the assembly of finished donuts.
Remove donuts from the oven. Not allowing them to cool, obmazhte top of each palm-cinnamon topping and roll in coconut nut-mixture. Done!
Donuts can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a week. For greater reliability I wrap each donut in baking paper and fold into the spacious plastic container.
Enjoy tea