Running without obstacles

 Being a perfectionist in the sport - it means to be an Olympic medalist. Or, okay, the world champion. Of course, this does not mean that otherwise need to become a cartoon character "Wally". To be the leader of his personal daily race - more important than any award and status.

After any more or less workout feel more cheerful, as if you vstryasli shoulders as a minimum. It was only later, after a couple of days, the habit will become ill, but this pain is pleasant, it gives a sense of pride in themselves and visible results. "That, they say, - says the body, - the time spent not in vain." This is one of many internal motivations of sports. Muscle memory, when, after a long break, the body automatically does what it once was worked out, "cumulative effect" of regular classes, where each next time you get to do the exercise more clearly with a lot of repetitions.

Running without obstacles

Run more miles, for example. Start with 1000 meters, and after a while already on equal compete with marathon. Running you can do anytime, anywhere, but it can be treated not only as to the exercises in the morning, but even as a kind of philosophy. This view is shared by the organizers of the running club in Moscow in Gorky Park. Their activity suggests that they suffer for their cause. They hold regular classes in one of the most well-equipped parks in the city, have thought even a shower for runners. Change the Repose of the sport as something Spartan. After all, you can run it with pleasure. Club, I think, is aimed not only infect the idea of ​​running, but also to create a community of like-minded, which is able to change the status of the sport. Make it, say, fashionable. "Person" and the mood running now looks something like in this video. Inspiring, is not it?

The day before, on September 16, took one of the biggest sporting events of the year - the race Nike Run Moscow at the Luzhniki 10 km. This event Nike spends in Moscow for the third year in a row. Since July, there have been four race - 3, 5, 7 and 10 km. Each subsequent gathering more people - is the result of the work of competent organizers and word of mouth, and yet little interest in running. After an inexperienced person is extremely difficult to master a distance of 10 km. And this year the race was attended by 24,000 people. Runners call themselves different goals: "To prove to myself that I can not! "," Change yourself ... "" Everyone is capable of more than he can imagine ". Joking: "In general, I believe that it is just 10 km away a lot so I'm running for t-shirts, and only for the sake of it", "to take time off from work and run 10 km! Here's my great goal =) "," I bought too much energy and just feel sorry for them to drink ". But all say that the race was organized very well - all had the T-shirts, queues for registration was not flee were comfortable.
Personal bests inspire, but also to feel part of the general mood, show what you can do in front of thousands of people - worthwhile. Apparently, Run Moscow has a great future. Run a pair, make new friends, get into the habit to play sports - well, there's nothing wrong with that. Good ideas, and even more cases in the world are not so much.
Running can bring great pleasure. He has a wonderful feature - does not require any special conditions and equipment. Can be run on a track or grass, listening to the chatter of grasshoppers and other animals, the track at the stadium with headphones in his ears, the simulator in the gym or at home in front of the plasma screen. In any surroundings it is running.
And I love running, because it helps to get away from everything and relax. Tuned to a certain rhythm, breathe, move your hands to the beat - if there is an overload - and have come back with a smile to the usual cases. Yeah, not bad. Perhaps we should start running again!
Running without obstacles
P.S. By the way, do not know anything about how things are going with a run in the other cities, maybe they have long been "ran forward." I would be glad if someone will tell whether there is something like that in your town.

Video: «WE RUN» art by Moskva River Runners; Photo:, IVAN KAYDASH