A variety of noises around us every day - water from the tap, elevator, transportation, telephone conversations colleagues. Whether on the street or at home, relax or work, we always something and someone to hear. Some are accustomed to urban noise and even need it. Other burdened them. Have you ever noticed when you get in a quiet tranquil place where if there is some sound, it's a rustle of leaves in the wind, it becomesHeardsilence. Or exit from the underpass at the great highway, and it's so loud, one wonders: "What if it shut down? "There are, of course, less drastic measures to be in silence (though not for street) - ear plugs, for example, or headphones.
Among the sports also can distinguish the quiet and loud, where no ear protection is not enough. Imagine the deafening sound of the rally, the competition on the car, on a motorcycle jumping, shooting. Any sports using the technique of "sound" loud, because the performances are held at the limit of forces, and not only athletes, but also machines.
The following noise level - the competition on the ice. Bobsled, speed skating, finally, hockey. Slipping the puck, hitting beating one of the other clubs, or, as in the case of our team, not only clubs, but also athletes. Screaming rostrum. By level by volume stands second to none, of course, football with his raging fans.
In general, team competitions - basketball with uniform tapping the ball on the floor and scratch sag under the weight of his basket, volleyball - with sharp blows of the ball on the players' hands and on the ground - are the following.
Immediately behind them - table tennis, tennis. And our "big" tennis! Fixed "rate" Maria Sharapova - 105 dB, far exceeding the volume, safe for the human ear (80 dB). By the way, in the top ten most bustling our tennis athletes take as much as 4 places: Maria Sharapova 1st, Elena Bovina and Anna Kournikova - 7th and 8th, Elena Dementieva - 10th.
Let them shout at women's health, as long as they do not interfere with the most "conservative" in terms of noise athletes - chess players. Chess - the perfect sport for lovers of peace.
Other "audio" problem but is inevitably accompanied by competition noise is music. It helps to turn it into a show, make a spectacular boost morale athletes. But is it?
On the eve of the Olympic Games in London were tense debate about whether to include songs before performances. Synchronized swimming, gymnastics, figure skating - number here originally built to the music. And do not bring down the mood whether runners or volleyball players at the start of the music? All individually enough: some major chords will help to gather strength and make a big leap forward, while others lose concentration.
But it is not so important, it sounds there a song during the competition or not, these events are always deployed on other "frequency" - at the limit of human capabilities.
Strike a ski jumper on the water, scraping ridge noisy breathing wrestlers clang rapiers, struck out six of the bar, sliding skis on track. But, like in the movies, in the most important moment of all though freezes, the sound is turned off - you can not hear any noise usual accompanying training or cheering screaming fans - only the shell and the total concentration.
Second, the two - the distance traversed, the barrier is overcome - victory record - and the noise again take its rightful place.