I remember that on Sunday mornings my mother cooked for the whole family pudding with raisins or lazy pierogi from fat cottage cheese. They were so fragrant and delicate, that when one of the mention of my stomach cramp in anticipation. Lazy dumplings are relevant now more than ever: their cooking does not have to spend a lot of time and effort. Yes, another advantage of this dish - it is possible to prepare for the future, dumplings perfectly stored in the freezer.
To re-create "the same" taste of childhood, it is necessary to use good quality cheese. Therefore, his choice I am more than awe. During the delicious cheese have to go almost to the other end of the city - in a small certified shops selling farm products. Their cheese amazing consistency, fat content and taste, it is based on it I get the best casseroles and high curd tarts with cream. The truth is in the shop is always full of people, there is a risk to remain without buying. The last time almost exactly what happened: I took from the hands of seller last pound of cheese, leaving behind a queue of five people.
By the time the "trophy" package with cheese arrived home, I clearly knew that I would cook lazy pierogi. It remains only to take the rest of the ingredients and start a "culinary journey" into the past.
So, for the lazy dumplings, you will need:
0, 5 kg of cottage cheese of 18% fat;
2 eggs;
2-3 tbsp. l. sugar;
1 tsp salt (no slides);
3 tbsp. l. butter;
150-200 g of wheat flour;
sour cream (to supply).
First we need to clean the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass it through a meat grinder. This will help you get rid of hard lumps that often spoil the impression. If you are fully confident in the homogeneity bought cheese, just a good mash it with a fork in a large bowl. Break two eggs in a bowl with the cheese, add to the same sugar and salt, and melted butter. Melt the butter in a water bath can be, in the microwave (I do not like this method, but it is also an option), or simply remove it from the refrigerator in advance and allow to thaw at room temperature. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth, then start gently introduce the sifted flour, without ceasing to stir the dough.
Clean and dry the table sprinkle with flour, place the dough on it. Divide it into three equal parts. Each part of the test should be turned into sausage (not very thin, but not too thick, slightly flatten) and cut it into slices as thick as a finger. I do sometimes in another way: take the dough, divide it into three equal parts, each of them is rolled out with a rolling pin (not so subtly), do not forget to sprinkle with flour. Then I take a cookie cutters and cut it figures - all very quick and easy. I like both versions, the main thing that the dough does not stick to the table.
After finishing mold dumplings lightly powder the flour them, and then take a large pot, pour water into it, a little podsolite and put on fire. When the water comes to a boil in a saucepan and gently immerse the lazy dumplings and make sure that none of them stuck to the bottom. When the dumplings rise to the surface - the dish is ready. Take the skimmer and remove them on a dish, do not forget to add a piece of butter.
I sometimes complicates the process of filing dumplings, bake them in the oven with sour cream. To do this, I take just cooked dumplings, put them in the form of refractory ceramics, pour sour cream (fat sour cream to taste). Then put the ceramic mold with dumplings on a small baking sheet, in which water is poured. It is necessary to create the correct temperature around the entire form, and the likelihood of sticking to the bottom of dishes are much smaller. When the top of the dumplings covered with golden crust, then the dish is ready.
Serve the dumplings can be lazy with melted butter - it's a classic, I would say, the traditional option. But you can pour any dish berry jam, syrup, chocolate or vanilla sauce. The main thing - it's your personal taste.
Bon Appetite!