Socks apocalypse

 While China puts doomsday preachers in prison, JustLady looking for cute way to save. (Yet!)

Since the beginning of time mankind scare apocalypse. End of the world is always waiting for: the Middle Ages, in 2000, but almost every decade. Even in the "Heart of a Dog" give the exact date of the end:

But as December 21, 2012, did not wait even a single apocalypse. And the closer the day X, the more signs are the media, turning into a real horror story Mayan celebration, celebrates grand and positive change of times.
But jokes aside and soothing! If your newswire sploshnyakom are following the news,
Socks apocalypse
Socks apocalypse
if the weather forecast for tomorrow disappointing,
Socks apocalypse
even if your lunch is desperately trying to send you a signal to "save! "
Socks apocalypse
then things are bad, and it's time to see the enemy in the face!
Socks apocalypse
Urgently rush to the store and buy the necessary products Have time (if, of course, there are still on the shelves, haha)!
Socks apocalypse
Remove all the money from all your accounts, credit cards and passbook and make excellent hopper with amenities. Proposal is, for example, in Moscow for 50 000 with one day and Ukraine only 4 000 hryvnia.
Socks apocalypse
A cheaper way to survive in the end of the world offer manufacturers antiapokalipticheskih socks. Socks, as we are assured, processed innovative substance makes you immune to curses the ancient Maya. "Wearing socks for a few hours before the date X, you are guaranteed to wake up on December 22! "- Says advertising producer. Socks will cost you only 500 rubles plus 200 rubles for delivery. Now that's service!
And do not forget the umbrella!
Socks apocalypse
You can hope and human help. The world is not without good people, after all!
Socks apocalypse
In the category "more hell" in our ranking of ways to survive unconditionally wins the wearer LJ divine-diamond, which has passed the most difficult karmic ritual at his astrologer. According to this astrologer, this ritual will save from the end of the world not only the divine-diamond, but all her friends, including at LJ. Well, you know.
Even if you manage to save his own life in this ill-fated Friday, do not forget about the consequences. Everything can happen, anything up to the invasion of zombies.
Socks apocalypse
In this case, do not forget to take a specially developed for this card.
Socks apocalypse
Pre-print Christmas cards. If you live to the New Year, it will still need to celebrate, to preserve the traditions surviving mankind.
Socks apocalypse
Socks apocalypse
Even if nothing happens, learn this memo.
Socks apocalypse
And if after all of a sudden ...
Socks apocalypse
Happy New Apocalypse!