The main plus salt dough - it is absolutely harmless, as it does not contain any toxic substances in its composition. This means that the technique of sculpting, you can connect even the smallest child.
Technique cooking salt dough is quite simple, you will need:
- 2 tbsp. ordinary wheat flour;
- 1 tbsp. fine salt;
- 1 tbsp. water;
Mix in a large bowl the flour and salt.
Add the flour and salt glass of warm water and mix again: you should get plastic mass.
If the dough is turned dryish - add a little water, otherwise it will be a little flour.
Knead the dough must be within 10-15 minutes. The longer you knead salt dough, the better the end result.
Someone advised to add salt dough dry wallpaper paste, hand cream or vegetable oil. I tried to add only recently (for more dough and comfort of hands), but with wallpaper paste experiment would not, especially if the kids will sculpt figures.
Then the fun begins. We niece decided that we would do from salt dough figurines on the Christmas tree, and we will come to the aid of a cutting board, rolling pin, cookie cutters and homemade stamps (we cut them out of the ordinary eraser stationery knife).
Turn dough out onto a cutting board or clean table and roll a rolling pin. Try not to roll heavily fine, otherwise future figures may crumble.
After rolling properly cooked salt dough should not shrink, shrink in size or tear.
Then we stamped dough homemade stamps, pre-dipping them in conventional ink. If the idea is you do not like - safely skip step.
Cut cookie cutters figures, taking care not to damage the edges of the product.
We spread the cutouts on baking sheet, using a wooden stick to make holes for the ribbon.
Put the baking sheet in the oven with figures (temperature not higher than 150 ° C) for about 30 minutes and dries obtain from the oven, give cool completely.
On the next day Do the same operation, but the figures have sushim hour and so forth. Properly Dried product from salt dough should publish a ringing sound when tapped. The larger the product, the longer it has to be dried.
Crafts from salt dough can decorate with paints, glitter decorate, make patterns on them with the help of volume loops and varnish. By the way, sometimes I advance tint dough food dyes - then it does not need to decorate, which is quite convenient.