When the wizard removes the "Masters"

 Already collected a bunch of awards in Venice and one of the contenders for the "Oscar" for best director, the new film the main favorite American film critics recent years Paul Thomas Anderson's "Master" long and heavy demonstrates the vicissitudes of relationships influential founder of a religious sect and its random student.

1950. The main character Freddy Cuello (Joaquin Phoenix) - a sailor who fought the Japanese during World War II, returned home with crippled psyche, and looks generally too. It is not too successfully earns a shop, drink some stuff and the chemical, as is often the case with people with clouded reason, concerned about the obscenity and sex. And in all honesty, I must admit that it is only the last and interests. In the course of the next binge Freddie unexpectedly for himself and the audience wakes up on the ferry, cleaving the waters of the Hudson, and suddenly becomes a guinea pig, and at the same time approximate Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman) - writer and creator of the powerful religious doctrine "Sources". Further, it is obvious hero to go through all the steps sectarian - and up and down, his feeble available, though tenacious mind.

The inverse images of "Roots" and the teacher is quite transparent - the appearance of Dianetics refers to 1950, and, in fact, Scientology - by 1952. Evil tongues say that a friend of Anderson, and in combination militant Scientologist Tom Cruise (Anderson starred in the acclaimed "Magnolia") even quarreled with the director, when he learned about the plot of the new film. But, seeing a working version, replaced by anger at the mercy. Which is understandable. Despite the fact that the main characters of the sect - frankly, unpleasant people (which only costs a crazy little woman master, brilliantly played by Amy Adams), Anderson clearly avoids direct condemnation or exposeScientology "Sources". And the path of misunderstanding and skepticism over the obsession to deny the hero passes somehow sluggish, limiting couple massacre, and the sudden flight.

And what is surprising. And the theme of a fertile, and director, of course, talented, and the actors do not and can not be claims, and the film turned out not too bright, but with a story about tuhlenkim random, though protracted incident with an alcoholic returning from the war between the two frames rather plausible intercourse with a woman in the sand tropical beach. However, the real women in the film too. Because they are, once again, the hero of the Phoenix, and really like, as opposed to those of your "remember who you were in a past life," yes "know their freedom."

In the Russian hire "Master" is only published on February 14 next year. And, frankly, is where he needed - somewhere in the middle of the dreary winter months. If only love mistakenly did not.

When the wizard removes the "Masters"

When the wizard removes the "Masters"

When the wizard removes the "Masters"