how to make a tiara

how to make a tiara
 Favorite decoration of every girl, girls, women - diadem. This is one of the most ancient jewelry. First, people decorated head tape, then the tape began to decorate jewels, gradually it became a crown and crown. Fashion for tiaras fails, change shapes and materials.

Of course, a tiara adorned with pearls or diamonds, wants to have each of us, but not all of us are willing to pay an exorbitant amount for decoration. But to make a tiara with their hands on all the forces. We make New Year's tiara for my daughter-beauties. What could be simpler? Wire frame of the form do that we need, we take tinsel, neatly wrapped with it, securing with tape tinsel. That's it! Sparkling jewelry for the princess is ready!


Your princess wants a tiara on every day? Nothing could be easier. She probably because there are a few annoying hoops hair. Let's briefly stopping here make a lovely fairy and hats for a young lady. The first option is quite simple: take a hoop, a little foam or batting, suitable fabric and beads of different colors. Sheathe wrap cloth (foam - pad, making it the bulk), embroidered with beads, imitation of precious stones. It all depends on your imagination. Option Two: do soft fabric flower or flower made of felt, or flower of feathers, anchoring it to the hoop.


A more sophisticated version of the tiara, which could become a real decoration of any girl, beaded tiara. At first glance, beading - a complex process, in fact, the Internet is now quite a lot of master classes for beginners, and in stores such a variety of materials for crafts that at a certain desire, a little perseverance and time permits, you can easily cope with the task.

Tags: hand diadem