How stab hair

How stab hair
 Fashion this season does not dictate any specific rules regarding hair styling. So you can make such a hairstyle that you like. Still, do not forget that you need to style your hair not only stylish, but so that the hair was you stressed all the natural advantages and hide flaws. Deciding how to stab hair, take into account the length curls, shape of the face and ears, the absence or presence of a bang.

Doing hair, should take into account the shape of the face. If it is round, it is best to leave a few strands at the forehead and temples, so they hid her cheeks and narrowed face. Better to collect hair on top, making a pony. So you visually lengthen the head and the roundness of your face will become less noticeable. If your hair is thick and long, then they may well be left loose. Just decorate their unusual hairpin or rim - it will distract attention from your round cheeks.

If your face is triangular in shape, you are shown hairstyles with curled outward ends of the hair. If the length curls to his shoulders or slightly shorter, put curls with a hair dryer and a round brush, spinning from his face. Thus, the lower part of the face is equalized from the top, it will get the ideal shape. If you want to stab hair, highlight several temporal strands and attach them to the top of a hairpin. Hair backcomb a little better, to give them a nice amount. This season is very fashionable jewelry made of natural materials interspersed with informal elements - rivets, iron chains. If you find a hairpin, by all means use it in my hair.

Women with a rectangular face is better to hide the forehead bangs. This will reduce the width of the face and smooth out the sharp features. You better hair combed forward, on the cheeks. If your hair is long, you can braid them into a very fashionable loose braid. Braid strands as usual or "spikelet", leaving as many free tips. To hairstyle hold well, sprinkle it with lacquer. If you zapletete braid from one temple to the other, then the asymmetry hairstyles distract attention from the rough lines of the chin. Be sure to use beautiful hairpins and original studs. These accessories will give you the necessary chic.

If you have an oval face, you will absolutely any hairstyle. Therefore, creating laying repels other things - the form of the ears, nose length, the height of the forehead. If longish nose, you can soften this point bangs. If the ears protruded, cover their hair. If a low forehead, make a pony, adorning its original clasp. Or remove the hair back using the rim - it will make the forehead open and high.

Doing styling, rely on their own experience. You can certainly look for ideas in magazines and on their websites. But let it be only ideas that you leave room for imagination. Try to come up with a hairstyle that goes for you and will not be a carbon copy of hairdressing standards.

Tags: hair, haircut, hairstyle, length, styling, pin, stabbing