The history of things: a bracelet with pendants

The history of things: a bracelet with pendants
 Now bracelet with pendants - is the story of human life, codified in the decoration. However, it was not always so, because the purpose of this stuff has changed over the centuries.
 Bracelets with pendants appeared in ancient times. In those days, the main purpose of this accessory was to protect its owner from the malice of others, from the impure forces, failures and misfortunes. Each stone figurine of wood, shell, as well as other suspension attached to a chain, were a kind of amulet.

In some countries, these accessories perform additional functions. For example, in ancient Egypt, by looking at the bracelet with pendants, one could determine the social status of its owner, because the richer and noble person was, the more luxurious jewelry he wore. In particular, in the tombs of the pharaohs, archaeologists found a gorgeous bracelets of precious metals, adorned with precious stones, pendants.

Bracelets with pendants retain their mystical significance for centuries, but in the Renaissance began to gradually lose special meaning. This ornament has regained its popularity only in the XIX century, but it was already used as a normal decoration. Thanks to the enthusiasm of Queen Victoria, with pendants bracelets quickly became very popular among the aristocracy and became fashionable evidence of high status.

However, in the middle of the last century, the value of this wonderful decoration changed again: it was a reflection of life's journey, and, looking at him, one man tried to learn the secrets of another. For example, Elizabeth Taylor made a bracelet, pendants over the meaning of which still reflect some of her fans. Among the unusual figures there and hearts with the names of the men who loved Elizabeth, or perhaps she loved herself. Brilliant bracelet and Princess Diana, whose husband every year gave a new, endowed with special meaning suspension.

Popularity bracelets with pendants in our time began to grow again. Giving a decoration, you remind a person that knows you two, that significantly and should not be forgotten. Charms bracelet can give to friends, colleagues and relatives, children and parents, as well as, of course, her lover.

Tags: thing, history, pendant, bracelet, charm