How to clean gems

How to clean gems
 When cleaning the gems must be careful because they can easily crack and lose its luster. Various properties of minerals to require an individual approach and monthly cleaning, during which particles are removed from their sweat and cosmetics.
 Use care products are specially precious liquid, paste or napkins. For every stone you can pick up a cleaning agent designed specifically for it, or use a universal. This method is not recommended for use when cleaning pearls, coral, emerald, turquoise, opal and lapis lazuli, as the use of universal cleaners could adversely affect the brilliance of the stones.

Place the stone for a few minutes in warm soapy water solution. Close the drain hole plug or strainer to stone accidentally washed into the sewer. A soft brush or brush to remove dirt, putting stone under running water. Wipe clean with a soft cloth. This method of treatment for these stones, opal, ruby, apatite, moonstone, Dory, malachite, lapis lazuli and beryl.

Add in soapy water dissolved in ½ cup water teaspoon of ammonia to remove dirt from the sapphire, alexandrite and ruby. Remove greasy with pearls, gently wiping it with potato starch. Corals Clean only with a damp flannel cloth. Turquoise wash in clean water or a weak solution of alcohol.

Prepare a solution of any detergent to bring back the shine beryl, quartz, topaz, diamond, aquamarine, sapphire and emerald. Rub the stone with a soft brush and rinse it with distilled water. Similarly, you can also clear the gems framed in platinum or gold. Instead detergent can use a solution consisting of 50 g of bleach, 30 g of salt and 100 g of baking soda filled ½ liter of water.

Remove any dirt that has accumulated under the stone, wiping it with a match, which screwed a piece of cotton wool soaked in a solution of magnesium and ammonia or glycerol.

Take advantage of ultrasonic cleaning, if you still can not remove the dirt from the stone. With the help of ultrasound can be cleaned sapphires, diamonds, rubies, citrine, garnet, tourmaline, amethyst and rock crystal.

Tags: stone, decoration, cleaning,