Pearls, amber, turquoise: distinguish fake

Pearls, amber, turquoise: distinguish fake
 People wishing to have benefited by the sale of counterfeit goods have always been. At all times, the market could be found fake fabric, jewelry, leather. The calculation was simple: not everyone knows how to tell a real product from the fake good than used and dishonest dealers. Today, this trend continued, but fakes are more qualitative, and often we have to very carefully check your purchase. This is especially true of such profitable areas as jewelry, because women are willing to spend on your favorite decorating any money. One of the most frequently counterfeited semiprecious stones are pearls, amber and turquoise. But there are some rules to follow that can easily be distinguished from natural stones falsified.

Of course, the most reliable way to check the stones - it's still research, with the help of special devices, which on the basis of radiation do ad hoc analysis. If it is not possible to hold, use people's experience.

Natural pearl consists of a plurality of pearlescent flakes are laminated on each other. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to verify its authenticity - hold pearls on tooth. This creak, as the scales will cling to the surface of the tooth, but with no scratches remain. Also popular is a popular method is to hold the pearl knife. At present pearls appeared a scratch easily disappear when rubbing the place with your finger on the artificial - no. A good salesman knows about the safety of such testing methods, so met refusal on his part, you can be almost sure of dubious quality products. Large and very large pearls need a more detailed inspection, as to produce them without damaging the shell, it is very difficult. Therefore, as a rule, natural pearls are found among small and medium-sized stones. You can also drop a gem from a height of thirty inches above the surface of the table. Natural pearls to jump like a ball, and artificial barely rise above the surface.

As for Amber, the forgery of this stone are of three kinds: either amber chips, pressed and baked at a high temperature without air; or stones, hardened resins obtained from unknown trees younger than amber; or plastic products. Ways to distinguish real amber from imitations bit. Firstly, it is possible to drip on the stone a little alcohol or acetone. Surface forgery immediately becomes sticky, while amber is really easy to pass this test. When ignited, amber chips or crumbs will light fragrance, but the fake stones will exude a pungent smoke. Natural amber plays on light and transmits light well, but its not real brothers do not have this quality. Also, natural amber floats easily in salt water, whereas fake products quickly drown.

Turquoise is a stone that is most often counterfeited, and it happens to ancient times. For forgery used as natural stones, glass and synthetic material. It is worth noting that in its original form turquoise found in nature does not happen very often, so it is not cheap. So if you offer a product of turquoise at affordable prices, it is most likely fake. Also, there is no real turquoise large, so large statues or articles of cork can not be done. Before you buy ask the seller of a certificate, as the sale of natural turquoise is always accompanied by documents. Look at the stone under a magnifying glass. The presence of air bubbles indicates that this glass and mikrotreschinok - that a synthetic forgery. The inner surface of the stone need not be white, it is particularly well seen in beads. Also has natural turquoise wax semi-gloss, smooth surface and here speaks of artificial origin decorations. You can also rub the inside of the stone wool dipped in alcohol. If the remaining paint, then before you fake. Be careful when buying!

Tags: pearls, fake, stone, jewelry, amber, fake, turquoise