In the office is not accepted to wear pins with large stones, visible logos and comic versions with cartoon characters. Not bad, if the accessory is equipped with a chain - she put on a shirt button and lock pin on the right place.
Do not seek to choose cufflinks, belt buckles, watches, tie clip, made in the same style. It looks old-fashioned and too pathetic. Tie pin to be worn casually, without drawing attention to it.
Hairpin is appropriate not only in the office, but in a less formal setting. With tweed jacket, jeans and a colorful tie it will look very organic. Select the original model, hinting at the owner's passion - for example, pins, decorated with the image of tennis balls, chess boards or golf clubs. Over time, these pins can be set up a small but very interesting collection.
Quite unusual variant - not stab pin tie and scarf. It can be connected end planstrona or scarf, or tie a knot to decorate casually. Barrette attached so as to be visible only its head. Very nice look models, decorated with pearl and metal beads. Eccentric-fit pin brooch with a cameo or a coin. Her slaughter slightly careless, not fixing strictly in the middle.
Garnish with a business suit discreet pin can not only men but also women. In the women's version of her slaughtered higher, leaving in sight. Try try Necktie hairpin with cravat or narrow scarf, knotted classical knot. Expertly selected color, you can create a very elegant ensemble, in which the pin fits quite naturally.