How to make a henna tattoo

How to make a henna tattoo
 Tattooing is an excellent alternative designs, applied to the skin with henna. They also decorate the body but kept a few weeks and then disappear. The skin is not injured, there is no risk of infection. Henna - a safe dye, as opposed to those that are used in tattooing.
 Buy a special paste of henna tattooing, it is sold in tubes and is composed of citric acid and henna powder. You can also prepare a mixture of themselves. To do this, take the henna powder, lemon juice, ground coffee and black tea. Put on the fire water (1 cup), after boiling, place two teaspoons of coffee and two tea spoons. Boil the mixture per hour. Henna (about 40 grams) of millet, mix gently with a decoction. Boil the solution until it acquires the consistency of the glaze. Add lemon juice or lime juice, you make color mixture and the future picture brighter. Place the cooked and chilled pasta in the fridge for a few hours.

Prepare tools for drawing on the skin. You can either do this by using a stencil, or if you have a good artistic abilities, just repaint your favorite picture or draw your own. There is one more convenient way - with the help of conversion circuits, for this you need to put on a parchment paper-tip pen drawing, roll-on deodorant lubricate the skin and attach the paper to the place where the tattoo will be. Deodorant dye solution, leaving the body line.

For printing, you can use a cotton swab, a toothpick, a brush. You can also make a handy tool of cellophane paper: to do this, take the package. Cut out the rectangle and fold it into a cone (bag). Close acute angle. Put the mixture into the bag, wrap the edges and secure. Scissors cut the tip of the cone - there will be squeezed mixture.

Gently apply to the skin pattern. The easiest way to work on a cliche - so there is no risk to go beyond the contours. If you do not have the template, be careful not to smudge the line, making them clear. Leave the paste on the skin for a few hours until it is dry and will not fall off by itself. No need to wash off the paint - by hand or with the blunt side of a knife, scrape it with the skin or just shake. It is advisable to protect the image of the water for a couple of days until it becomes dark.

If you want to henna tattoo last longer, take care of it: Make a mixture of lemon juice and sugar (2 to 1) and moisturize her skin when drying pattern. After the paste dries, remove it and wipe the place with olive or mustard oil.

Tags: skin, drawing, tattoo