Since it is believed that every stone has its own properties and in particular impact on human best to listen to yourself and choose the gem that is sympathetic. Hold the product in your hands, look what sensations you are experiencing. If you have doubts, and decoration than you do not like something, it is better not buy it. Someone prefers to be guided by the astrological data for the selection of stone, but in different sources of information can be controversial, and ultimately should rely on their intuition.
You can also check out the special literature that will help choose the stone. From it you can learn about the properties of minerals as well as tips on choosing a quality product. If you are interested in a particular stone, find out before you buy, whether it is a common, often do cases of forgery, what external and tactile characteristics must possess natural stone and how to distinguish from artificial or synthetic.
Often the stones are exposed beautification - thermal and other treatment to improve the appearance, but it can affect its natural properties. However, if you are the main decoration, there is no problem. In this case, you will approach a beautiful and synthetic (artificial grown) stone.
If you have any questions about the product, feel free to ask them to the seller. While sellers in jewelry stores are not always sufficiently competent in the stones themselves. Usually better informed sellers at exhibitions of gems, because they are often and gemologists.
Make orders over the Internet is only in exceptional cases, as a chance to get not what the photograph. Better to choose products in stores and at trade shows where you can hold in their hands their viewing.