Hold in your hand decoration, the cost of which will be calculated multivalued numbers will not want to part with it. Not only that diamond rings - it's beautiful, it is also fashionable at all times. Moreover, that jewels are best suited for investment capital.
It is believed that diamond rings are only good for mature ladies who know how to wear these little things with dignity, style. However, young ladies can indulge in such ornaments, selecting the right diamond ring. Undoubtedly, these gems are suitable only bright personages, regardless of age, type of appearance. Still need to know when to wear diamond jewelry "comme il faut."
Of course, I want to diamond rings gave fans. But if fate so ordered, that you yourself can buy jewelry in a jewelry store - go ahead, choose a diamond ring, please yourself!
Before you buy a ring with a precious stone from which you are in admiration, ask the seller a certificate of authenticity. Today started in the lab diamonds are nearly identical in appearance with natural.
When choosing a diamond ring, consider the following parameters:
- Weight;
- Cut;
- Cleanliness;
- Color.
Gemstone weight is measured in carats, this unit has been accepted in antiquity. One carat equals 200 milligrams. But not always, the largest stone is the most expensive. Pay attention to other factors.
The most expensive are those rings, diamonds differ rare purity. This means that there are no stains on the stone and other defects. Moreover, the error may not be visible without the use of special equipment, but it does not mean that a diamond of excellent quality.
Rings with colored diamonds are rarer than decoration with transparent stones. Amazingly, most of the cost still have a transparent stones, they are iridescent when they light falls. Only their purity must be perfect.
The shape of the diamond, the quality of its cut are of great importance for the ring. Diamond can be round, square, oval and even heart-shaped. There are plenty to choose from.