Buying gold jewelry, it should be remembered that there is a different quality of gold and plenty of fakes. To avoid this, you must have some knowledge.
The main factors on which you can judge the quality of gold products, is its weight in carats and grams, color and purity.
Weight in grams shows the amount of metal used to manufacture the product. The larger the number, the stronger the product.
Carat weight, more often applied to the inner surface of the product. This feature indicates the purity of gold. The higher the number, the higher the quality of the product.
The present article has a gold seal, which includes the weight of the sample and decorations. At present, there are the following samples: 375, 585, 750, 958. The sample is higher than 958 is found only in ancient coins. To meet such a test for jewelry impossible.
Measure the authenticity of jewelry is just a brand. It is put on the inner side of the ring, on the lock chain and shackle earrings. Stigma contains Assay Office mark and labeling. This information indicates that the product has been tested in the State Inspectorate and the sample corresponds to reality. Official Russian state hallmark since 1994 - the girl in the headdress. It is important, in what direction it "looks". If the lady gazed left, gold, alas, fake. Maid should look just right.
Gold color can be different. It depends on what kind of metal is added in the manufacture of jewelry. Gold - metal rather bland, so to improve strength and increase the life of the product, make alloys. Most often added to silver or copper, it improves the quality of gold jewelry. In gizmos with the addition of copper predominates reddish tint, silver gives a greenish tint. In order to obtain white gold, palladium was added to the yellow and nickel. This process is called doping.
In order to choose the right decoration, you must use a mirror, which must be in the cabin. If there is no confidence in the selection, you must consult with the seller.
Buy items made of gold should only proven places where you can request a license, and certainly will be given a passport for decoration. This will help insure against counterfeiting.