How do I know the ring size

How do I know the ring size
 If you decide to give your significant other or loved one ring, it is necessary to know in advance the size. If it is too big or, conversely, too small, then the person as though he will not wear. In Russia, the ring size is determined by the internal diameter in millimeters.
 To measure you can take one ring of your other half and take it to a jewelry store, where you choose the most suitable size. Also, the ring can be put on paper and pencil lead round its inner side. Can be measured and decoration on your own finger - wear it and remember the place where it is fixed pretty tight. Then just come to a jewelry store and try on accessory.

If you manually measure the diameter of your finger, do not forget to leave a little space to ring finger does not compress much, but keep it loose. This is necessary because the size of the fingers, depending on external factors may vary, increasing or decreasing. So hot and humid weather, our hands begin to swell, but because the fingers are increased in diameter. But if you make too much stock in the cold weather, the ring will fall off, which is also inconvenient. In the measurements, it is important to choose a middle ground.

If you are going to buy a thin ring, its size may be smaller than that of the product is wider (larger than 8 mm). For wider accessories need extra space, and for thin space should be slightly smaller.

Remember that the thickness of the fingers on the left and on the right hand is different, and therefore the measurement should be carried out exactly in the fingers of the hand on which you plan to wear jewelry.

If, nevertheless, you could not pick a product of the correct size, it can always be corrected. In many jewelry shops can increase or decrease the ring at 1-1, 5 size.

There are also Viennese, French, British and American sizes are considered along the circumference. If you know the Russian diameter, the length is given by L = D * 3, 14. In any European store you will be asked circumference in millimeters.

Tags: size, ring finger, diameter