Later, as ornaments in their ears began to pass through pottery, colorful seeds, long grass fibers. The wearing of clay and bone ornaments survived to the present day. For example, some African tribes still adorn themselves in this way.
In the Middle Ages were the hallmark of earrings and wore them exclusively by men. Silver and gold jewelry testified noble origin and material well-being. Weighty earrings with precious stones worn only by men rich and respected families. Usually wore earrings in both ears. Earring in one ear and spoke eloquently of the lower origin of the owner.
For example, in one ear pierced Rome slaves and it vdevali copper ring, and in Europe this earring means that a person is indecent life. Such decoration were pirates, thieves and gypsies, thereby challenging the church and society. Church negative attitude to ear piercing and the wearing of earrings, believing that it is not pleasing to God.
The peoples of different countries had their own understanding of the significance of earrings. For example, in India this ornament worn by both men and women. Earrings were considered not so much a decoration as a powerful talisman. For example, an earring in his nose is considered a talisman that protects against the evil eye and spoilage. And now Indian woman wearing a neat little nostril earring.
To the Slavic peoples custom of wearing earrings come due Scandinavian Vikings. The Gentiles in Russia earrings attached special magical quality. Newborn boy was put one silver earring, which, according to legend, was to protect the baby from a hernia. And girls both ears pierced, considering that the earrings will save her from the evil eye and spoilage. Besides thus distinguish sex of the child.
In times of military battles woman gave her favorite earrings, believing that thus will save them from stray bullets and attacks from bandits. Here were merchants and warriors of the time, women's earrings. They sincerely believed that wherever threw their fate, thanks earring they can return home to the mistress of the second earring.
Currently, earrings, usually only worn as jewelry.