We have repeatedly seen Renata Litvinova as a brand face in advertising campaigns. Now she is the creator. Being the favorite muse Alexander Terekhov, she not only wrote for the designer screenplay for the film, took it off and took it herself, but did not fail to attract the shooting of their favorite cast. In the short film titled "Girl with a box of" participated Sati Spivakov, Ingeborg Dapkunayte himself Alexander Terekhov and Love Inzhenevskaya. Last and played a girl with a box - courier who carries a parcel with dresses Alexander Terekhov.
As expected Litvinovoj films, this creation is not a simple story, and black and white fine phantasmagoria, filmed in the interiors of the hotel "Metropol", against the "Red Arrows" Leningrad station and bus Brezhnev era. While viewers are available only shots of the "Girls with a box." But on December 11 the film can be seen in full at the Center for Documentary Film.