Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

 Down the aisle in a bathing suit - that, thinks famous model Chrissy Teygen. Especially for Beach Bunny for brides who want to get rid of overweight wedding dresses, she has created a collection of clothes for the wedding swimming.

If you are going on a honeymoon to the Maldives, Chrissie wondered what is it, as the bride, flaunt it. And come up with swimsuits that look good even with a veil. Bride to be sexual - that this idea was inspired to design Teygen feats.

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Chrissy Teygen

In addition to the traditional white, Krissy gave swimwear and other attributes of the wedding dress. For example, decorate them with crystals Swarowski, delicate lace and spicy inscription «Bride». For advertising campaign Beach Bunny swimwear wedding was chosen model Kate Upton.

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear

Sexy Bride: Wedding on Beach Bunny swimwear