Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

 The gardens have become a place of strength and inspiration not only for Monsieur Dior, but also for our contemporaries Anastasia Romantsova. Cruise Collection her brand A la Russe concentrated there.

Apple-garden lukbukom A la Russe engaged photographer Ilya Vartanian. He filmed in the bright and airy interior with potted plants and pebbles on the ground models in playful hats, boaters. The collection of clothing and light colors, the intersection of sea blue stripe. The main focus became the apple prints only zatsvetshih branches and branches with already appeared to them the fruits.

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

As to the cut, he went not only restrained and aristocratic. Strict silhouettes, referring to the images of the last century, long stately dresses for conversations in the gazebo, nautically simple costumes for active walking - so relaxed and a little pre-revolutionary seen 2014 Anastasia Romantsova and A la Russe.

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe

Everything in the garden: Cruise Collection 2014 A la Russe