What star sign are you'll find your love

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 Whether or not to open my heart to the elect, you tell horoscope from JustLady.Ru. Here you can learn in a man can fall in love, and who should beware.

Astrologers in this regard there is a lot of their secrets. Today, they are very pleased to share them with the fairer sex. After reading them, you will know what is waiting for you on the field of love with a particular zodiac partner, and what sign of the zodiac is waiting for you now love passion and happiness.

How to get along with each other even (-) and odd (+) signs of the zodiac on the love field?

By an odd signs of the Zodiac are: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These signs inherent in the activity and initiative, and commitment, but often they are slow, their desire must necessarily be fulfilled. Around the representatives of these signs of the zodiac was constantly tense and hectic situation, they are in constant action.

Men belonging to the odd sign of the zodiac, endowed with creative and active force. In astrology, all the odd signs of the zodiac are masculine, so all the stronger sex, born under these signs, as opposed to the female (-) signs endowed by nature more stable and harmonious character. Representatives of these signs does not win the hearts of the ladies, and attract, attract them to himself, as if privorazhivaya.

For even signs of the Zodiac include: Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio. Representatives of the stronger sex, who were lucky enough to be born under these signs of the zodiac, are feminine sign (-). These, unlike the odd characters are more passive, but at the same time more sensitive and susceptible. Even signs of the zodiac keep all traditions, their inner world more rich and interesting. They are generally not very active life and prefer a waiting position.

If a women is considered good to be born under the sign of an even, then for men is much worse. In their character lay some disharmony, they are by nature spineless and enterprising enough.

Plus and minus signs are contradictory in nature. For example, even the signs: Taurus, Virgo, Fish, Capricorn, Scorpio and Cancer can not tolerate when they pushed around or run, so do not customize them and rushed. Plus-same sign: Libra, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius and the Lions have to constantly drag representatives minus signs on the lasso that it pretty boring. So often arise between them as small misunderstandings and serious conflicts.

Odd signs, as a rule, are the initiators of the new and unusual. But even signs adopt their initiative and are able to develop it and always bring, as they say, to mind. These zodiac signs are opposite poles - they are like a magnet attracted to each other. However, the relationships between them are always very complex, they do not find a common language, and sometimes are not able to understand each other.

For example, two adjacent mark can not find a common language, although it would seem, the neighbors must be friends with each other, but impatient Aries Taurus his neighbor seems very much sluggishness and slow. Taurus Aries considers too flippant and frivolous. But this does not mean that they can not be united pair. One of the main rules of astrology - should not be considered any one of the signs of the zodiac sign, always pay attention to its relationship with other signs.

Aries love the bright and energetic women. They are irresistibly drawn to the inaccessible and sexual representative of the beautiful half of humanity. If your choice is born under this sign of the zodiac, it is easy to win if look unapproachable and at the same time attracting his attention.

Taurus very conceited sign of the zodiac, he likes to listen to him. Therefore, if a man of your heart Taurus, then you will win his dedication and attention to it.

Gemini You can win with the help of coquetry and flirting. Try to be his good friend.

Cancer You can easily "bewitch" delicious and varied culinary delights. Male Cancer - gourmet, he will never give up a tasty meal. Way to his heart is through his stomach.

Lion by nature a leader, he must always be in the limelight. Try to be in his presence is always a fun and romantic girl, he certainly will notice and appreciate.

Virgin like when they are valued and constantly praised. Men born under this zodiac sign are often unbalanced personality, it is better not to tease and criticize. It is not necessary to try to win his love once, try to be a true friend to him, then he will pay attention to you.

Libra prefer bold, persistent and determined women. Therefore, in order to win the heart of this man, should take the initiative in their hands, but if you do not notice the response, then do not waste your time, then you are not to his taste.

Scorpio does not like to cause too bright women, so always be modest, attractive. These men love beautiful figure and body, as well as intimate conversations on various topics. If you are interested in continuing the relationship, then never criticize the elect.

Sagittarius does not like to express their love in words, he prefers to act. Men of this sign do not like when a woman in their presence shows his dissatisfaction or bad mood. If your favorite man born under this sign of the zodiac, then win his love and attention you need to gradually, because, most likely, it will take you to the role of first girlfriend. If you need a higher status than a lover, then you have to work hard.

Capricorn loves beautiful and bright women. He prefers to be loved and admired him, but he is not able to express their passion and feelings.

Aquarius does not accept binding to anything, so do not force him against his will. Do not ask him words of love and themselves once again hinted about his affection for him.

Fish do not like being in their presence lady flirting with other men. How can I tell him more about his love and that you want to be with him and have children. Most likely, your wishes will be fulfilled in the near future.

Gontarenko Xenia
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sign Aquarius