
 Jodhpur - a kind of pants, similar to trousers, spacious on the hips and tapered to the shin. Their name comes from the Indian city of the same name, where they were in the early XX century is universally used as jockeys in sportswear for playing polo.
 Jodhpur - a kind of pants, similar to trousers, spacious on the hips and tapered to the shin. Their name comes from the Indian city of the same name, where they were in the early XX century is universally used as jockeys in sportswear for playing polo. Material for Jodhpur can serve as wool or satin, modern versions of these trousers are also sometimes made of denim. Today jodhpurs are an attribute of both male and female clothes, although initially they were worn only by men.

Tags: pants, trousers, wardrobe, riding, horse, Jodhpur