Heat resistance and heat resistance

Heat resistance and heat resistance
 Fabrics that have heat resistance and heat resistance are used in various industries. In order to provide such a material characteristic, a number of tests conducted.
 Heat resistance and heat resistance - the ability of materials to maintain its technical properties at high temperatures. The evaluation of these qualities passes through the border maximum temperature at which changes in physical and mechanical properties of tissues become irreversible. Thermal stability can be estimated highest temperature, which causes changes in the composition of the textile materials.

There are special methods for the determination of this characteristic. In carrying out one of these labels are applied to the canvas in the direction of length and width, after which it was placed in a thermal cabinet. Fabric there is a certain period of time, after which it is removed, the distance between the marks is measured and compared to the original value.

Heat resistance can be determined and to change the appearance of the material. Pieces of cloth in the expanded form is placed in a preheated enclosure for thermally stable substrate. The temperature is adjusted in accordance with the regulations applicable to a certain type of fabric. If the exact rules are not specified, the classical data - 180-190 ° C, holding time - 2 minutes. Taken out of the oven tissue sample is left for 30 minutes in the open air, and then visually compared blade exposed to high temperatures, with the control sample. If its appearance has not changed, the material is considered to be thermally stable.

Tags: material evaluation, composition, heat resistance, thermal stability