Who fits Taurus

Who fits Taurus
 Taurus belongs to the signs of the Earth, which are inherent strength, solidity and reliability. Venus - the ruling planet of Taurus, further endowed him with many qualities as valuable to the marriage: loyalty, desire to carry everything into the house, material well-being. If the horoscope is not observed negative influence of other planets, Taurus will make the best husbands and wives.

Most Taurus fit representatives of the Earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn. Many examples of the ideal relationship between two bullocks, of course, provided that at least one of the two can sometimes overcome their stubbornness and yield. These relationships - the union of two sober realists, they are not alien romance, but both tend to ensure that in all respects was extremely simple and clear. Marriage Taurus with Virgo much more successful where the Taurus - he and Virgo - it. In the reverse combination frequent conflicts on the basis of sex, because Taurus physical love must be much more.

In intimate terms very well are the relations with the sign of Taurus Water - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. His first attracted his artistry. Earth Taurus flattered that he was interested so subtle person, and fish will be happy that she did not have to think about how to survive in this rough world. Near the Taurus she will be protected from life conflicts. More common in Taurus with crayfish. Both signs are materialists, like hoarding, good food, luxurious destinations and home comfort. In addition to the material, they have a similar attitude to the spiritual. And calves, and cancers like the same movies, books, theater. They do not belong to the followers of fashion, preferring classics known brands. Very good folded and sexual relationships. However, much better in pairs, where Taurus - he and Cancer - she said.

Not so rare union representatives and Taurus signs of Fire: Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius. It would seem that they can communicate? Nevertheless, firmly standing on their feet Taurus - men are able to seriously interested in women fire signs. Especially when they "walk up" and begin to think about creating a safe harbor for the family hearth. Unfortunately, peace in their relationship will always be a relative. Strengthen marriage can children. Also harmony in relationships is possible with atypical of both signs. Reverse Union, where he - a sign of fire, and Taurus - it is more common. It builds on the invincible charm "Heifers", which Aries, Leos and Sagittarians will admire forever.

Marriages Taurus and air signs usually do not lead to anything good. Exception - frequent marriage with Libra, in which harmony is possible because of the actions of the general ruling planet Venus. In this case, the couple could wish to be tolerant of each other's interests and, if possible, not to interfere in Libra Taurus career, giving him the right to terminate their working the case. The Union will also be harmonious if the partners are linked by common hobbies, for example, one of the arts: music, painting and literature.

Tags: sign, Taurus, horoscope