The strongest sign of the zodiac

The strongest sign of the zodiac
 The strongest among the signs of the zodiac Scorpio is considered. His strength of spirit, strong character, powerful energy and enormous will rarely leave anyone indifferent. No wonder among the representatives of this sign so many influential and well-known personalities.
 The strength and powerful emotional charge Scorpions are largely determined by the planet Pluto, under the auspices of which they are located. That makes it the representatives of this zodiac sign is so powerful in relation to good and evil. Scorpions despise weakness in yourself and in others around them.

Whatever they did, they are given to the case with all the passion and dedication, sparing neither himself nor others. That is why among the representatives of this sign so many workaholics who often occupy leadership positions, because Scorpios get a very good control. They do not stop halfway, achieving great success.

They should be the principal in all things, subordinating and impress others. But most importantly - it is their magnificent spirit of endurance in the most extreme situations. Scorpios never lose his head from the problems and not go into hysterics. Their strong character and fortitude manifested in everything - from personal relationships to career.

The internal energy of the Scorpion attracts other representatives of characters. They may like or dislike, but indifferent to Scorpios are very few people. Scorpions can only so long and hard look in his eyes, checking human strength and deciding for themselves the nature of your relationship further.

Scorpions believe great lovers, because this is also his passion they surrender completely. And also good friends who betray their comrades, remember the good and pay in the same coin. And at the same time they are the most dangerous enemies and rivals, who remember all the wrongs inflicted and insults. Hostility towards them can lead to ruthless revenge, and any taunts, expressed in their address, can drown in their cynical sarcasm and subtle humor.

Tags: man, sign, woman, scorpion, zodiac