On the mystical power of pomegranate was legendary. In the old days it was worn pregnant women, hoping for a happy and painless childbirth. In medieval Europe, with garnet jewelry worn soldiers who believed the stone amulet, which will protect them from serious wounds and injuries. Since ancient times, grenades tied with honor and dignity, calling him a "stone of honesty." It was believed that with garnet jewelry can protect its owner from betrayal and base passions, and to help him to express his own feelings in words or deeds.
Still retained a belief that if the owner of the grenade was in a difficult situation, the stone will help him calmly and decisively to deal with any problems. At constant worn on the body mineral support in the host elated, and when the person you want to relax, you simply remove the product for a few days. In addition, with garnet jewelry is not recommended to wear passive, lazy, sluggish people, because this stone can bring them to nervous exhaustion.
Astrologers advised to wear garnet those born under the sign of Capricorn, which differ in the natural drive and work ethic. Also, this mineral is perfect signs the fire element - Sagittarius and Leo. Persevering Taurus and Aries violent recommended to wear garnet red. Representatives of the air element (Libra, Aquarius) is to choose jewelry with green stones. Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces from wearing products with garnet better to abstain.