Cancer - characteristic sign

Cancer - characteristic sign
 Cancer belongs to the water element and is strongly influenced by the moon, which is responsible for sensuality and sensibility of that mark. The strongest water horoscope sign, often hide their emotions behind a mask of indifference, but, at the same time, all deeply worried. In this article, a women's magazine JustLady tell about cancer, characteristic sign of its strengths and weaknesses.

According to legend, at the starry sky Cancer went through the Hera, which thus thank him for his help in the fight against the hated Heracles. In the midst of the battle many-headed Hydra of Hercules with cancer bravely clung to the hero in the leg, for which he was immediately killed. But instead received an honorable place among the stellar astronomical signs.

Zodiac - Cancer. Characteristic signs

Cancers different phlegmatic character, but imaginative. Not a hindrance, even vice versa. Modest, economical and outwardly calm, all Cancers are experiencing rapidly within themselves, while requiring emotional expressions of the people around them. DescriptionRakov, characteristic sign may seem inexplicable and ambiguous. But there is nothing mysterious about it. Cancers reserved express their emotions in public, but at the same time, in the shower they all boils and bubbles. God forbid you do not annoy Cancer! They are vindictive and revengeful, and make no mistake - for the wrongs inflicted on Cancer, will necessarily have to answer sooner or later.

Cancer - characteristic sign

Cancerians are very vulnerable, they can hurt even one word, said gruffly. Representatives of this sign have a good imagination, so do domyslivat unsaid and make appropriate conclusions. Cancer easily moved to tears, and it will be very real, genuine tears of frustration. His offense is easy to calculate: it is closed in itself and does not respond to others. Fortunately, the situation can always be corrected: Crayfish vulnerable gratefully accept an apology if they feel your sincere desire to make amends.

The most important thing for Cancers - stability in all. Very often, to preserve the peace of mind and life of the order of the representatives of this sign give up the relationship. But, if you meet someone who can create for them everyday and emotional comfort - "cling" for him all his claws and have nothing, never let go. This applies not only to the relationship. Cancers absolute owners, and if you do not want to amass an insidious enemy, not to encroach on their property.

Cancer, the sign of the characteristic which applies to the material aspects, does not like to take risks. Before you make a monetary investment, it is all right to weigh and consider. The proverb "look before you leap - cut once" invented about cancer, which like no carefully and carefully drawn with material goods. Cancer always pays the bills and waiting for the same binding relationship from others.

ToCancer characteristics that mark, Is strongly influenced by the sun, which periodically changes its direction with respect to this constellation. The sun turned to the south - Cancers begin to "move back" to doubt their abilities and complexes about it. Light will guide the other side - again cancers are confident and full of ambitious plans.

If your child is on a horoscopeCrayfishKnowledgecharacteristics of the sign help you find a common language with him. The main feature of cancer-children - oversensitivity. They painfully react to ridicule peers to comments caregivers and teachers. Young crabs have to choose your circle of contacts, force them to move closer to the disagreeable person is almost impossible. Do not laugh at a child, strongly supports it and let the right to self-selection - so you will help him to discover and develop their talents.

Crayfish and love

Male Cancer Loving and prone to frequent changes of partners. Behind him on the trail of life stretches offended and abandoned women, but it never feels remorse or compassion. In the privacy featureCancer, characteristic sign is the volatility. Not because he's such a senseless and cynical - Cancer cherishes their freedom. He likes to turn heads and shine, but only up to the moment until he himself is interesting. Once cooling begins, a man of this sign parted with the woman, and rarely regrets about it. The first thing that attracts him to the partner - is its ability to understand its delicate, vulnerable nature. If a woman starts to encroach on his inner world becomes too intrusive - the relationship comes to an end. Want to keep Cancer - leave him at least an illusion of freedom.

Female Cancer (Characteristic sign is sensuality) - extremely sexy and attractive to the opposite sex. She easily excited, sensitive to all the erotic manifestations of partner. But considers his weakness and sensuality so carefully hides her. With a man who she once showed its essence, allowed a glimpse into the depths of his soul, a female cancer becomes cold and even rude. If a man is ready for this woman to withstand such tests and go through the alienation and coldness, the result will exceed all expectations. Women born under this sign are passionate and inventive lover, they were not bored.

Cancer, and the characteristic of this sign is unpredictable - the worst thing converges with stubborn Capricorn and Libra pedantic. The most productive and lasting union obtained with Taurus and Scorpio, the average compatibility - with the Virgins, fish, lions and the Twins.

The color of this sign - green stone - beryl.

Tags: sign characteristic horoscope