Best friends in our lives: trust, or check?

Best friends in our lives: trust, or check?
 Keep secrets and terrible secrets, always be ready to listen, understand and help care for and pamper even - this is an incomplete list of responsibilities best friend. Maybe someone wants to take them over, but the sections in full, so that there is nothing to complain about was, only one person in the world - at yourself.

Many are advised not to trust people. Listen to this advice or not - a private matter. There are the type of people who find it difficult to share secrets with others, they prefer to keep everything in itself - they are so comfortable. And there are stories not for others ears. You can choose an attorney of their spiritual experiences among trusted friends or keep it all to yourself. As discussed in the royal courts: "Let speak now or is silent until the end of life." However, to live with secrets is difficult.

You can keep a diary, page after page in the form of a monologue to tell all to some imaginary reader. If you did not feel the writer, there are other ways. In the film "Mood for Love", for example, gives good advice for those who are in that whatever was decided to keep his secret. We need to find a tree to make it hollow, come close, close to the hole and tell her secret. Then tightly fill the hollow earth. So you can get rid of the burden of memories, if you do not share with anyone or you do not want to do that.

Women sometimes like to care for them. But this need not be the actions of the other person. Care for themselves - it is not the lot of a failure, but a way to make up for the strength and ability to enjoy life. No matter how pleasant was the parental care, the source of which will never run dry, in adult life it is often burdened, but expect the same from the man next door, from friends. Instead of getting upset because of the lack of attention from a loved one who is likely to make it not because of the hazard, - tired or out of sorts, - Treat yourself to something.

Never save any food (health, of course, the main thing), or on clothing (a woman should always look decent), much less on cosmetics. As a mature and young skin should be clean, nourish and protect. And this should be used with natural ingredients. Natural oils are good that their action has a "cumulative" effect. Regular use of cosmetics with clay and algae contributes to its purification, herbal infusions soothe irritation. Plant extracts nourish and moisturize the skin. After 35 years often raises the question of how to "cheer up" the skin, making the face fresh and glowing. For these purposes, manufacturers of cosmetics also use natural ingredients - vitamin C, coffee.

These components are contained is not in any cosmetics. An example of an organized, professional approach to the development of tools is an Israeli stamp DeSheli. The company produces a series for girls under 35 and line tools for older women, taking into account all the features of mature skin. CRYSTAL YOUTH PRO-AGE includes eight funds, among them - cleansing mask, lotion and anti-cellulite gel. CRYSTAL YOUTH ANTI-AGE - ten cosmetics, among which are essential milky cleanser, scrub and mask. Cosmetics DeSheli attractive because, in addition to natural ingredients, contains an innovative development company, called "smart crystals." They slow down the aging process of the skin, give it a shine and healthy appearance, turning back the aging process.

To look attractive and be satisfied with a need to deal with systemic appearance. Care for hair, nails, wash makeup, apply the cream in the morning and in the evening, take a relaxing bath, follow the fashion trends. It is foolish to think that someone is interested in taking care of you than you are.

Tags: cosmetics, trust, skin care