Scorpio - characteristics of the sign

Scorpio - characteristics of the sign
 Mysterious and unpredictable, sparkling like a diamond with his intelligence and sexuality - Scorpio is one of the strongest in nature signs of the zodiac. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, related to the water element, Scorpio is manifested openly and clearly, no one leaving no doubt of his feelings and intentions. This article is a women's magazine devotes JustLady Scorpio, the sign and the characteristics of the main points to which you should pay attention when dealing with them.  

According to legend, the sky turned Scorpio thanks to Artemis - the daughter of Zeus. Goddess did not differ agreeable disposition, and severely dealt with its offenders. By Orion accidentally insulted her, Artemis had sent the Scorpion to the stung him in the heel. Scorpio fulfilled her orders and for this he was awarded a star status.

Scorpio, the sign characteristic which is temperament in all its forms, short-tempered. Smart, which has an analytical mind, Scorpio sees very human weaknesses and skillfully manipulates them. Friends he did not much - on communications this sign is only with trusted people. Does not like to disclose their ideas to others, and you will never be able to guess from his behavior, what plans are being hatched in his head. Strikes were strongly and boldly goes to the end, absolutely not empathizing opponent. It is not always beneficial:Scorpio (a characteristic sign requires him full return in any situation) is often on the verge of a nervous breakdown. But this same commitment helps him to always achieve his goal, even in the most desperate situations.

Scorpio - characteristics of the sign

Very vengeful and vindictive - no luck to those who will be among his enemies. Detractors put in place considers a matter of principle and will never reconcile with the man ever to offend him. This is a manifestation of his warlike nature - we have already said thatScorpio, the sign of its characteristicgreatly influenced by Mars. Representatives of this sign many seem selfish, which have little interest in other people's problems, but it is not so. Impulsive and passionate, Scorpions are waiting the same dedication from others.

The mood of the Scorpius changes instantly, any word or action may make him violent, emotional reaction. Scorpion can not be called evil, its characteristic sign is unpredictable, but not anger. Just his reaction, at times, is so unexpected and extraordinary, that not everyone can understand it and survive. But for those who treat him with understanding and shared his beliefs, Scorpio becomes the best friend and reliable rear.

Another featureScorpio, the sign of its characteristic a commitment to excellence. He - a perfectionist, always striving for the ideal, so I try to do everything himself, not trusting others. Despises weakness, can not be a diplomat. Scorpios have good intuition and logic, they make excellent researchers, analysts and managers. Serious problems of a material nature Scorpios are usually bypassed, because they are able not only to earn, allocate finances, but also to save.

If your child is Scorpio and an understanding of the characteristics of this sign will help you quickly find a common language with him. Scorpions childhood love to command and dispose. They choose their friends and are not afraid to go to the conflict. They have their own opinion and are able to defend it - no matter what it concerns: food or interpersonal relationships. Emotionality Scorpio could escalate into aggression - try to put out all the negative emotional manifestations of the child immediately, in any case, not answering rude rudeness. Children Scorpions have excellent logical thinking, with them you can easily agree. If you can convince him that in this particular case it is not right, little Scorpio will not argue with you.

Scorpions and love

Hallmark of men-Scorpio, the sign of its characteristicthe unbridled temperament. Representatives of this sign are usually very attractive in appearance and have the opposite sex for some magnetic influence. Beautiful lovers, understood perfectly how to please his partner, Scorpions rarely themselves amenable to feminine charm. They - the great players and artists, for whom it is important only to the process of conquest. Representatives of this sign are often left blank - sexual appetite does not give them the opportunity to focus on one partner. Scorpions, even married, can have several novels on the side, that does not prevent them to be caring husbands and fathers.

Women-Scorpions (characteristic sign a passion) - mysterious and violent, maddening strong half of mankind only one of its eyes. "Sultry woman", "femme fatale" - all these epithets can be attributed to a representative of this sign. Smart and beautiful, energetic and charming, they perfectly know their emotions and professional conduct sensual game, luring a partner in their network. Although, men themselves are happy to give up without a fight - in a game like this can not remain a loser. Of female Scorpios make excellent mothers, demanding but fair.

Scorpions best converge with Capricorn, Pisces, and Cancers Virgins, worst of all - with Aquarius, rams, Lions, Sagittarius. Average Compatibility - Libra. Color Scorpions - fiery red, yellow; Stone - alexandrite and cat's-eye.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sign characteristics, scorpion