Fashion Horoscope

 Astrologers believe that our zodiac sign affects not only the character, but also the style of clothing. So how much money we spend on their own clothes and shoes, even laid at our birth. And tell it to their husbands who accuse you of tranzhirstvo! In all, it appears to blame the stars!

2009 horoscope for each sign of the zodiac

Astrologers believe that our zodiac sign affects not only the character, but also the style of clothing. So how much money we spend on their own clothes and shoes, even laid at our birth. And tell it to their husbands who accuse you of tranzhirstvo! In all, it appears to blame the stars!


Women born under this sign love to go shopping. Although, as would have noticed a man - what woman does not like it ?! She likes to combine a variety of jackets and skirts. She loves pastel colors and warm colors. But special attention to the women of this sign are paying accessories.


Taurus woman loves dresses and pants. Young women of this sign - inveterate ladies that are sure to follow the latest fashion trends. But with age, they prefer the style of comfort. Look to these women in the closet, and you'll see that there prevails so-called "feminine colors" - blue, pink, etc. Evening wear is very conservative, mostly black.


What distinguishes women born under this sign? What is perhaps not meet none other woman: she logical thought at the time, when she makes a purchase. "It can not be!" - Say the men. However, it is so. Skillfully allocating budget, it will always be the owner naimodneyshih things, even though financial constraints. Carefully choosing clothes, she prefers yellow, gray, green, and blue. It should also be noted that she loves pastels.


Of these women can not say that they are resolute and defiant. They are afraid of appearing ridiculous or silly looking in their chosen attire. Prefer classic lines and focus more on quality than on beauty and style. Female cancer prefers blue, silver and green.


Lionesses are paying great attention to accessories, especially when it comes to shoes and bags - it is their Achilles heel. It absolutely does not bother value selected upgrade, even if it is much higher than the budget allocated for the purchase. Green - that's the favorite color of the Queen animals.


Maid impulsive buys without thinking. She likes to have clothes, even though she had never been to clothe. However, you can be sure of one thing - it tries to match the elegance of the people around her. Black and white - her favorite color. A lover of contrasts that much can you do!


Women born under this sign love clothes and always follow the fashion. They have a unique flair when choosing a color, style and style, which in the end they fit perfectly. Pastel colors and natural colors adorn the lovers always balance.


Women love this astrological sign to attract attention and prefer such clothing that will make all turn after them. This is the type of women who look great in the evening light. They like black, purple and burgundy colors. Not being very high, they make themselves as much as possible to balance on high heels.


Woman sniper particularly like to be always different. And this, as you know, constantly requires new investments! However, her style is always recognizable enough. She loves long dresses and feminine style "glamor". Her colors - maroon and purple.


They are feminine and traditional in their tastes - so in a nutshell can be described style of female goats. When the woman of this sign want to attract attention, it always reaches the goal, better than anyone else. Red and black - that's her favorite color. It says a lot. Suffice it to recall Stendhal and his imperishable work.


Casual and sportswear wardrobe creates the basis of Aquarius. They love to emergency situations, which are so afraid of most women, they like to choose an outfit as soon as possible. They do not like the planned outputs in the light and in all prefer spontaneity. Their clothes are mainly reflect all the colors, but there favorite color - blue.


Female fish Jyrki and plastic, so they prefer clothes follow the contours of their bodies. Incredible ladies who love universal admiration. Nautical theme plays a big role for them when choosing accessories. The colors they also prefer the kingdom of Neptune.

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