Women born in the Year of the Snake

Women born in the Year of the Snake
 Gorgeous Kim Basinger, charming Audrey Hepburn, eternally young Brooke Shields, and Liz Hurley, Oprah Winfrey and thousands more famous beauties, talented writers, artists, actresses share one fact. All of them, according to the Chinese horoscope, born in the year, which protects the Snake.

In Asia and in Europe related to snakes diametrically opposite. The Europeans snake - an animal that carries the evil and death to everyone who met him. In China, it is a totem - animal patron. They say that snake was the prototype of the Dragon, revered in East Asian countries.

Snake Woman distinguished by a special femininity. It is often beautiful, stately and graceful, moving gracefully and smoothly. But in her soft, as if guessed roll of fiery passion, strength and iron grip. The snake is dangerous, and it is this subtle scent of danger giddy huge number of men.

Especially because a female snake is very good at self serve. "Snake" quick mind, insinuating manners, she always knows what to wear to look brilliant. Snakes taste in the selection of clothing, accessories, makeup flawless.

It could be called the perfect woman. The only "but" is that the snake does not recognize the authority. It is in principle not able to obey and take on trust someone's opinion and conjecture. This - not the most beloved man of quality.

Snake rarely gives up, preferring to bring the matter before the end of either the same absurdity. She is intelligent, thoughtful, wise, has developed intelligence and endowed with uncommon insight. Sometimes her intuition develops into clairvoyance, but it does not happen often.

With regard to the financial situation of the Snake, it never really in need of money. As if the heavens themselves help her by sending aid at exactly the moment when it is needed.

Snake always chooses a partner for marriage. And from that you only need not succumb to the charms snakes too and not allow themselves to paralyze the snake tight embrace. It is believed that women Snake is suitable marriage with a male buffalo. Snake and Rooster - also a good couple. But limp Pig Snake just strangle their rings.

Windy, passionate, wise, whimsical, beautiful and desirable - a woman born in the Year of the Snake is the quintessence of femininity.

Tags: year, snake, marriage, partner, woman