How to win a man's heart-Cancer

How to win a man's heart-Cancer
 Cancer man - the stronger sex, who, as it seems at first glance, somewhat rude to women. This is actually a very gentle man, and his sharpness - just a defensive reaction to the outside world. Win the attention of male cancer can woman with lots of patience, love and tenderness.

Cancer is very selective in choosing a wife, so tune in to a long and difficult way to his heart. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the mother of the man Cancer, before you will be a sample of female perfection, to aspire to. Of course, if your quality will be even better than expected man-Cancer, it will raise you up on a pedestal feminine ideal, and will support you confidence that you are worthy of admiration.

Male cancer in dire need of love and mutual feelings. Often relationships Cancer breaking on the stone of life and the suspicion that the partner does not feel his strong feelings. Manifested in man-Cancer all the tenderness and attention that only can bestow upon a loved one. Do not play the "cold and indifferent" woman, this behavior will lead to the breakdown of relationships.

The man - a good psychologist and well manipulates people. Cancer like it, and if you'll easily adopt rules of his game, it will make your relationship stronger. Create the impression of that can not live without the advice and recommendations of male cancer, but do not try to ask him about some real help, it is just more snaps in itself, since it is not sure he can help you.

Male cancer will become your reliable defender and a loving husband, if you will fully meet its requirements. Understand that you are on the right track, it is very simple: if a loved openly admires you, gives gifts, leads to elegant places and in all other ways shows love, believe me, there is not a drop of falsehood. Wait and continue in the same direction, very soon you will hear a marriage proposal.

Tags: man, character, cancer, horoscope, woman, fashion, heart