Gems zodiac sign

 It is believed that the best friends of women are diamonds. They raise their mood, complement the beauty of their owner and, of course, stress status. We sometimes wonder: How to choose the gem? One way of choosing a selection of gemstones zodiac sign.

Under the heading Horoscopes Horoscope for December

The person who correctly picked the decoration with "their" natural mineral, only benefit. Stone will give its owner happy moments will have good luck and prosperity.

Aries. Precious stones of this zodiac sign are - beautiful diamond and fire grenades. Diamond jewelry will give the possessor luck, protect against losses in combat and protect against disease. Must wear jewelry on the left arm and neck, so that felt bodily contact with the stone. Pomegranate is also the mascot of Aries and conditions identical socks with diamonds.

Taurus. Well suited as talismans, this birthstone natural minerals - sapphires and blue turquoise. Turquoise will present possessor success in their personal lives and help find her betrothed. Sapphire also act as a shield against the bad eye, will help to strengthen memory and soothe your nervous system.

Gemini. People born under the sign of Gemini, recommended jewelry using natural minerals - agate and beryl. Agate helps to avoid serious health problems, and beryl, like a magnet attracts you happiness and romance in romantic relationships.

Cancers. Talismans of this zodiac sign are natural minerals - moonstone and emerald. Moonstone is a kind of battering ram, which will help you to easily overcome the obstacles to achieving the intended goals. Emerald also helps normalize and achieve harmony in family relations.

Lions. Lions recommended gems - amber, topaz and beryl. Jewellery with amber will help protect against disease and even some they can be treated (eg, rheumatism), and they serve as a protective cocoon of witchcraft. Peridot in combination with gold can act as an oracle, and will reveal the future. Topaz normalize your sleep and cranky nervous system.

Virgin. Women born under this zodiac sign are recommended gold inlaid with jade products or carnelian. Jade - a stone of life, protect your kidneys from disease and help prevent vision problems. Carnelian helps to avoid troubles caused by magic and witchcraft.

Libra. This zodiac sign is not against the jewelry with opal and lapis lazuli. Opal care about your success in all endeavors, blue lapis lazuli has medicinal properties for anemia, skin diseases, and epileptic seizures.

Scorpions. This zodiac sign loves blood-red stones, indicating that the acquisition of jewelry inlaid with rubies and garnets. Very nice if they were shaped like a snake. These stones cause passionate relationship between partners, as well as attract the love and luck.

Sagittarians. This zodiac sign prefers products with amethyst, topaz and chrysotile. Products with topaz bring you good luck in gambling and romantic relationships.

Capricorns. Women who were born under this zodiac sign are recommended to wear jewelry with malachite and onyx. Malachite has medicinal properties, and onyx protective magic.

Aquarians. Using grenades and zirconium in your life you will be happy. Zirconium increase your alertness and concentration.

Fish. Your stone is beautiful and lively pearls. He will give life in the sea of ​​love and help protect your family from trouble. Ring with pearl will be an indispensable tool in the fight against the enemies.
I hope that after reading this article, you will understand how important a role in our lives gems.

Tags: sign, zodiac