Born in the Year of the Snake ...

Born in the Year of the Snake ...
 Rats, horses, monkeys, rabbits, roosters .... No, it's not about the zoo. Speech on the eastern calendar and its signs. They say that people born in the year of any animal transmitted traits of the animal. One of the most interesting and unpredictable characters are people born in the Year of the Snake.
 To imagine that is a people born under the auspices of the Snake you need to know a little habits and behavior of those snakes. Lazy fondness for basking in the sun, they turn into deadly weapons when they are hungry.

Snake gave his players grace and beauty, as well as excellent taste and craving for beauty. After all, in the nature of a snake - naiizyaschneyshie create a strong flexible bodies.

Being reptiles snake close contact with the ground. And people born under the sign of the animal, often cold-prudent, focused on material values.

Snakes are secretive. They seem to escape all the time. In a conversation in gestures are easy to notice something elusive snake. His speech they fascinate and can lead interlocutor very far from the original theme. These movements have some incredible flexibility and fluidity. Moving as if they flow from one pose to another.

By the way, stealth and unsociable, coupled with the way people make-snakes are not very good conversationalist. It is because they are usually very few friends and even fewer friends. Somewhere on a very subtle spiritual level, people feel that the snake is not able to open up and share the optimism and warmth to warm the heart - give something looking to talk to.

Snakes are wise. However, this applies only to one part of the population born in the year of this magnificent animal. Wise snake can with incredible accuracy to calculate the outcome of a given situation, as well as the steps that must be taken that all ended well. Alas, their insight is often other people, but not by the snakes. For lazy.

The second type of snake - small poisonous viper. With them it is impossible to agree. They are vengeful, dangerous and extremely unrestrained. For the slightest offense (or act that considers the offending snake) you will be brutally bitten. And rest assured that bites will come to the most vulnerable places.

Snakes - born slave owners. Marriage or love partner Snake - this is almost a punishment. Even if the snake is no longer in love, she did not let his prey. Rather strangle in the arms.

However, the strong people a chance to escape from the beautiful Snake is very large, because the energy from this reptile too little. It is from here and legs grow its natural laziness and perhaps poverty emotions. Snake deprived Higher Powers energy, forced her to save. And save without making unnecessary movements and not allowing yourself to costly emotional outbursts.

And finally, the good news. Snakes - born magicians. Powerful intuition, tendency to suggestion, hypnosis, a strong connection with the subconscious mind, astral energy make Snake unsurpassed master of the magical arts, some of them would not prefer it. Palmistry, omens and lapels, money rituals perfectly succeed representatives sign. If they are, of course, are not depressed.

Yes, Snake hypochondriac and inclined to be pessimistic. But her insightful clear mind. And, knowing their features, it is fully capable to change. For good reason all snakes living in nature, from time to time change the skin.

Tags: quality, person, year, snakes, love spell, magic, ritual