Adult male horoscope

 To entice you liked the man, follow the advice of the astrologer.

A man born under this zodiac sign, does not tolerate lies, boredom and monotony in a relationship. Also does not like to give him any advice, as they prefer to learn only from our mistakes. It is not necessary to pursue it, even as you think, quietly. Just try to gently encourage him not only intellectually, but also physically, and never ask for his help and support, even if you really need it. Made every effort to make sure that he began to seek you. Always look bright, energetic and sexy, but at the same time, unassailable, then it will pull itself irresistibly to you.

With representatives of the mark should not rush things and get ahead of ourselves, because he does not like it when the "customize". In his presence, it is better not to talk about his ex-boyfriends and lovers. Taurus likes to listen to him, so be as careful and loyal, grateful and sweet listener. Try to the best of opportunities to participate and support all his projects. Do not forget to flatter him, to satisfy his vanity. Always look flawless. It remains to find out from the intended "victim" of your burning love, what kind of music he likes, and what dishes are his most favorite. Do not even doubt that soon you will win his heart completely.

Male twins take sex as a basis for your relationship, so be prudent, but not only in bed with a loved one, but also in life. Stay up to date with all the events taking place in the world. If during the day is not enough time to expand your horizons, have to get up early in the morning and newspapers familiarize with the news. Be twin is not only a great lover, but also a good friend. But try not completely dissolve in your partner, and do not fall under his power completely. If he flirts and flirts with you, try to respond in kind.

Cancer can not stand when he teased, so we do not advise to do it, because the consequences can be unpredictable. Men born under this sign are very practical, so you should not be with them big spenders. Always be sensual and not "bluestocking", because the cancer itself in bed is not as shy as it seems to mean. Take a mental note - they love a tasty meal, therefore, lost no time in setting out to explore recipes. There is a proverb: "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." If you properly understand it, then consider that already won.

Lions can not tolerate criticism, as well as when they are commanded. Do not try to scold him for his extravagance, will not help, but only ruin your relationship. So, will have to accept this trait of his character, even if the risk is on the rocks.
Lions leaders by nature, so give him first place in your relationship. Try to be always in the limelight, no matter where you are: at home, at a party or at a party. Even if sometimes you think it's your turn, it will have to give way, as before, his romantic lover. Always fiery, fun and dynamic, but at the same time, try not to beat this very Lion.

Do not try to get his attention by flirting with other men, do not tease him. Also, do not criticize and undermine the faith of the Virgin in the forces. Representatives of this sign prefer equality in the relationship. Do not seek to immediately win his heart, at first content to be a friend until he does not consider in your face charming seductress. Virgin partners like when they appreciate and praise, do not forget to encourage them not only for a new beginning, but also for any work performed, including help with the housework. Be mentally prepared for the fact that they are often unbalanced.

If you are facing a dilemma: should or could be, it is not necessary to start a relationship with a young man born under the sign of Libra, be more determined and persistent. Libra man is very proud of their appearance and are satisfied that we were able to preserve their youth, so try not to focus on his age, but rather to tell him he looks good. Do not ask and do not press it against his will. The balance is not always right to tell a woman that she was not to his taste, so if you do not notice the response of reciprocity, it means that you are wasting it on your precious time.

Scorpios tend to like women sexy and attractive, so try to look the part, otherwise you can not only ruin your plan of seduction, but also push the Scorpion. Be prepared to support him in a conversation on any topic, including his favorite - intimate. If you are too modest and shy girl, it is better to go the distance. Keep yourself in good physical shape, as representatives of this zodiac sign love to admire a beautiful body. Do not show your jealousy, if it takes place, and stay for him an enigma, as curiosity Scorpio kindle interest in the opposite sex. Never criticize manners of her lover, especially sexual, otherwise your romance is over before it started.

Wait for word from Sagittarius love almost impossible, as he prefers to said action. Men of this sign can not tolerate stereotypes like to enjoy life in all its manifestations, but also sexy side is not the last on his list of entertainment. In the presence of Sagittarius does not show his bad mood and dissatisfaction. With a laid-back kind of agree on the role of mistress and friend. If you are willing to take in his life allotted a place for you, you can continue to fight for a higher status. Importantly, always be energetic, take an example from the Sagittarius. No offense to the straight, but at the same time, sincere statements lover.

All goats - careerists, so you have to live with it. To do this, mark the appearance of the woman is in the first place. Do not wait for his displays of affection and passionate all-consuming love, since Capricorns are not capable of, as well as on the expression of other feelings. He does not like when somebody criticizes both himself and his friends, relatives and parents, as well as sensitive to all the statements about his sexual abilities.

Do not start to seduce Aquarius at the time when it is clearly not in the mood. They can not tolerate "tying" as to space and to time. Try to look in front of him unapproachable and cool, this is the how trying to appear Aquarius. Before. you begin to "attack", it would not hurt to the smallest detail to think "tactics" of seduction. It is not necessary to hint to her lover how much you are attached to it or, on the contrary, is not too keen on them. Think carefully over what you can hit the intelligence of Aquarius.

Being in the company of his beloved, do not look eye encounters with other men, as this can injure his thin-skinned soul. As often as possible to remind him of his love, and that only with him you feel like a real woman. Do not focus on his irrational relationship with money, because he believes that it is quite practical. Try to convince him that the children have for you is the biggest wish. If your desires are the same in this regard, that very soon they will be granted.

Gontarenko Xenia
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: horoscope, Aquarius, art, astrology, tactics, seduction, seduction