Rihanna makes makeup for MAC

 Most recently, Rihanna presented the results of his work as a designer for the River Island. Following the "breakdown of the pen" in the field of fashion and the singer decided to shine in the beauty industry. Her partner was M.A.C. - The only brand with which, according to most of Rihanna, she agreed to go for it.

Rihanna loves M.A.C. and uses their makeup in everyday life and during performances. After all M.A.C. You can find lipstick and shadows almost any shade. In addition, the company opened a new and interesting adores cooperation. It was the turn of Rihanna. Surprisingly, the MAC, which refers to collaborations like dating and does not enter into long-term relationship with the stars, made for Rihanna exception. They signed a contract for four issues of cosmetics under the name RiRi Loves MAC

Demonstration of first-line agents coincides with a concert singer in the Barclays Center and will be held on May 4th. The collection is called RiRi Woo, after passionately loved Rihanna red lipstick MAC Ruby Woo. It includes reticulation shadow, blush, brush for makeup, but this finding is matte lipstick rich cherry color. In the following three collections lipstick, likely will also play a major role.
Rihanna makes makeup for MAC