Portrait of President Obama in pictures

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While Lagerfeld commissioned by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung draws a sketch on the first face of America, Terry Richardson approaches the subject seriously and is preparing a series of great shots with Barack Obama.

Karl Lagerfeld painted using Japanese Cosmetics Shu Uemura (Oh, these designers!) US President in the form of chef proudly showing the fruits of their labor - a cake in the form of the White House.
Portrait of President Obama in pictures
Terry Richardson, in my own way shaking Obama's hand, made some remarkable works that represent President cheerful, devoid of any pomposity, a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. This portrait of the president is clearly not for the gilded frames.
Portrait of President Obama in pictures
Portrait of President Obama in pictures
Portrait of President Obama in pictures
Portrait of President Obama in pictures
Portrait of President Obama in pictures