Sexiest women of the planet

 Every year men's magazine FHM rankings of hundreds of the sexiest celebrities of the year. Last year's beauty, British singer and actress Tulisov Kontostavelos, this year moved right on to 11th place.

According to the vote the sexiest and desirable woman in the world this year - the actress Mila Kunis. Her most charming features recognized eyes, laughter and sense of humor. A year ago, Esquire awarded her the title of the sexiest, while according to FHM she got a 9th place.

Sexiest women of the planet

Second place went to singer Rihanna, rising for the year to the 1 position. Third place was taken by a model and actress Helen Flanagan recognized the sexiest blonde. She was able to move as much with 47 seats.

Sexiest women of the planet

Top 10 Sexiest Celebrity:

1. Mila Kunis
2. Rihanna
3. Helen Flanagan
4. Michelle Keegan
5. Kelly Brook
6. Kaley Cuoco
7. Pixie Lott
8. Kate Upton
9. Cheryl Cole
10. Georgia Salpa