How to remove the sides of the hips and abdomen

How to remove the sides of the hips and abdomen
 "Ears" on the thighs and the folds on the sides - the problem is very common, especially among women. You can deal with it by dieting and doing exercise, aimed precisely at this area of ​​the body.
 In order to lose weight, it is not necessarily constantly hungry. Just try to reduce the usual servings for you two, eat more fruits and vegetables and discard fatty, fried, salty, starchy foods and sweets. It is also important to drink daily at least 2 liters of water. This will not only help you to cope with excess weight, but also improve the complexion, as well as help to make the skin supple and to remove shallow wrinkles.

To remove the side, you need to perform to train the obliques. These exercises include pan and tilt, which can be performed with a worsening or fitball. Quickly make the waist slim can be using a conventional hoop or floor of a rotating disk. Engage regularly, spending at least 45 minutes for this exercise.

Good trains the muscles of the abdomen and this exercise: Lie on your side, bend your legs at the knees, his head in his hands and. Follow ups of the trunk, 20 on each side.

Effective also called twisting. They should perform as well as the standard abdominal exercises, but at each increase of the body to try to reach an elbow to the opposite knee, turning the torso to the side.

To get rid of the "ears" on the thighs, you need to train the muscles of the inner and outer thigh. This can be jogging, swimming breaststroke, perform upgrades straight leg forward willows side. To increase the load, you can use spring expanders.

Thigh muscles can be trained with a simple exercise "bicycle". Lie on your back, lift your legs 20-30 inches off the floor. Bend one leg at the knee, keep the second straight. Perform movements that simulate pedaling a bicycle in the air.

Another simple exercise for thigh called "scissors": lie on your back, lift feet off the floor and keep straight. Spread them apart, then cross your way to the top was the right foot. Then spread them again and again cross your way to the top was now left leg. Perform the exercise quickly and vigorously, and do at least 50 repetitions per set.

To burn fat on the thighs and flanks useful fitness, step aerobics, sports dances. If you can not go to the gym, design a set of exercises that you can perform at home. Turn them jumping with moves his arms and legs, pan, tilt, climbs and descents with a small elevation (steps, thresholds, low benches).

Tags: fat, belly, hip, side