How to remove belly fat

How to remove belly fat
 Unbalanced diet, constant overeating, lack of exercise full lead to weight gain and body fat in the hips, buttocks and abdomen. The question of how to remove belly fat, is very relevant for both women and men.
 Fortunately, there are many different diets and exercise facilities to eliminate a large belly. Just need to find the time to do it. Very often ill diets are harmful to health, disrupting the body's metabolism and balance of nutrients necessary for normal life.

Consult a dietitian. This specialist will help you make the diet, taking into account the features of your body. Monitor your food. Do not eat fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods, pastry and cakes. Eat small portions more often is better, but a little bit. Up to 60% of your diet should be fruits and vegetables. Drink less soda water - it can cause bloating and flatulence.

Not all people have the opportunity to regularly go to the gym, let alone hire a private instructor. Only one way out - to study at home.

Any exercises should begin with a warm-up. Suitable general developmental exercises. Within five to ten minutes walk around on the spot, follow swings his arms and legs, jump. Before performing compound exercises belly massage to improve blood flow.

Exercise regularly to train the press - twisting lying on the floor, leaning forward, push-ups, lifting the torso from the "lying on his back, hands behind his head."

Follow the morning at least ten-run. Can be at home on the site, but preferably outdoors. Refuse to ride on public transport, replace it with hiking. It helps to improve blood circulation, to normalize the body's metabolism. Obtained during a meal calories will be consumed faster. Forget about the elevator. Regular walking up the steps - a great tool to get rid of boring fat belly.

If you can not lose weight and get rid of belly yourself, visit an endocrinologist may cause is any disease.

Tags: stomach area