How to reduce waist in a week

How to reduce waist in a week
In the XVIII century ladies were proud of their waists and aspen were willing to any torture to become the owner of such. Only one wearing a corset that was worth it. In today's world, women, though a bit less, but is also concerned about the size of her waist. And try to make every effort to make it thinner for the shortest possible period. For example, for a week.
Waist to reach the ideal criteria in just one week, you have to take for themselves rather strictly. In only 24 hours per day, and to achieve the effect you have exactly 7 days.

So, the first thing you need to do - is to reconsider its menu and quality of food you are taking. Stop use refined products, semi-finished products, deep-fried, spicy, smoked, too salty and greasy. It is best suited for your menu foods containing dietary fiber: fruits, vegetables. Also include in your diet plenty of lean meat, dairy products low in fat, as well as nuts, seeds and legumes.

Food to bring only benefits, eat more often, but little by little. It is advisable to take a meal every 2-3 hours. This helps to organize the process of learning the right calories. And do not cram the night. Many doctors claim that stop eating before bedtime need at least 3-4 hours.

A great way to give back to normal waist in just one week - the implementation of such exercises like jogging. Start jogging in the morning, and not just your waistline will become desirable shape. You also will be a healthy glow.

Add to all of its program massages and body wraps. Massage can help in a shorter time to burn all the unwanted subcutaneous fat. Wraps to help cope with the toxins of the body.

And, of course, you should make every effort to exercise. One of them is as follows. Starting position - lying on his back. Bend your legs, placing the foot on the floor. Tilt legs to the floor in the direction of one or the other way. Leverage effect, pulling in the opposite side of the swinging arm.

Do not forget about such an effective exercise as pumping media. It perfectly strengthens the abdominal wall, making the stomach taut and thin waist.

Another exercise is as follows. Starting position - lying on his back. Take a pose "Birch", with greater stress on the shoulder, and start rotating the pelvis. Due to the fact that this exercise is quite difficult in execution, then use it to waist recommended only trained women.

If you take for yourself, collect all the will in a fist and a week will not give yourself a break, then a week later tailor inch waist will show the result of a few units less. And you "fit" into the desired dress.

Tags:food, week, waist, exercise restriction, reduction