How to reduce hips in size

How to reduce hips in size
 Too wide hips deliver the chagrin of many women. With this particular constitution can correct this shortcoming through clothing. If it is caused by excess weight, it is possible to reduce the hip in size with the right diet and exercise. The main condition for achieving the result is a regular employment and a balanced diet.
 Should be excluded from the diet of sweets and pastries, prepared food, sausages, fatty foods. It is these foods cause fat deposition. Eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Protein foods such as meat and fish, helps to build muscle, so it is better to limit. Drink plenty of pure water and green tea, compote of dried fruits. Sugar substitute a small amount of honey and dried fruit.

Very good burns fat on hips walking. Come every day for at least 5 km. In addition to the effect of weight loss walking has a powerful curative effect on the cardiovascular system.

Fitness classes 3-4 times a week will help in the shortest possible time to reduce the hips. Be sure to do morning exercises to include the following exercises:

 - Tilts from side to side with their hands up;
 - Kneeling with hands along your body tilted back with a delay in this position as far as possible;
 - Resting his hands on the wall kicks to the side;
 - Lying on the floor on your back, arms along the body and bending your knees lifting the pelvis with the voltage of the gluteal muscles and the delay in this position for at least 10 seconds;
 - Kneeling with an emphasis on hands foot moves up as far as possible;
 - Exercise "bicycle" lying on his back.

Each exercise was repeated at least 8 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. To reduce the size of the thigh in these exercises need to be alternated with stretching exercises to avoid unwanted build muscle.

Biking is also well to get rid of the fat on the hips as actively working all muscles of the thighs.

An additional effect is given to the blue clay wraps and baths with sea salt. After these procedures are well applied to the thigh special cream, which, together with massaging accelerates the process of burning fat.

Tags: size, power, hip, diet, walking