How to calculate your rate of calorie

How to calculate your rate of calorie
 The main reason for weight gain - overeating. Taking too high-calorie food can cause additional stress on the heart, digestion slows down and leads to slagging of the intestinal tract. To know exactly how much food you need to eat per day, you need to calculate your rate of calories.
 The most accurate rate of calories can be calculated using the formula Harris-Benedict, it takes into account age, gender, weight and height of a man. Using this formula, you can calculate the size of the primary metabolism (GLD). This is the number of calories that the body needs per day for normal metabolic processes, without much stress.

For men, the figure is GLD = (13 * 7 weight) + (6, 8 * age) + (5 * height) 66, the formula for women is different: GLD = (9, 6 * weight) + (4, 7 * age) + (1, 8 * height) 665. Age is measured in years, growth in inches, the weight in kilograms. First, multiply all the expressions in parentheses, and then add the resulting number. As a result, you get your daily requirement of calories at rest.

The calculated size SBC needs to be adjusted depending on the intensity of your physical activity. To do this, calculate the average coefficient of physical activity, then divide the sum of daily energy of the body at SBC.

Make a table in it, record all the activities that you do during the day. Here you specify the duration of action, as well as the number of calories required for its implementation (energy consumption for any type of activity can be found in special tables). Around you should have the following result: a sedentary lifestyle - the coefficient of 1, 2, light exercise 1-3 times a week (average activity) - coefficient of 1, 35, moderate exercise or sports 3-5 times a week - a factor of 1, 55.

To calculate the daily calorie needs, you can use a simple formula: multiply the weight by 25 men and women weight by 21. This formula is suitable for people of average physical activity, the same as those involved in sport, you need to increase the rate of 1, 5 times. If you are pregnant, add to the result of 30%. Furthermore, this formula does not take into account age - older people, the fewer calories per day he requires.

Tags: calorie calculation, the rate, the need for