Sex as a tool for weight loss

Sex as a tool for weight loss
 Surely you have often heard that sex - the best medicine. In addition, there is a perception that sex - it's a great tool for weight loss. Is it really? On the one hand, of course, during sex a person loses a lot of calories, running and strengthened set of muscle groups of the body. On the other hand, very romantic nature believe that having sex for the sake of improving the figure - it's dirty and wrong. Who is right?

Of course, to have sex only with a view to lose a few pounds - it's not too logical. But why not combine business with pleasure? If a par with access to physical and mental pleasure can be more and strengthen your body and lose a couple of extra pounds, then why not use this simple and affordable type of fitness?

But is sex - is an effective tool for weight loss?

In fact, the body's energy consumption per hour sex was only 250 calories per hour. Orgasm out 400 calories per hour, but hardly a man whose orgasm lasts longer than 20 seconds. What does that mean, to lose weight by having sex will not work?

This is not quite true. It is noted that at the time when a person is adjusted constant sexual life, he loses weight. It is not so much from the constant physical activity, but on psychology. When a person does not have a stable sexual life, he begins to accumulate a lot of complexes, is increasing its self-doubt. This uncertainty it compensates in incidence, food, hence there are those extra pounds. When sexual life is getting better and uncertainty disappears, the person no longer need the extra calories for their suppression.

As for physical activity during sex, there's sex strife. The girl who behaves very passive in bed and whose activities are limited only apart of the legs, is unlikely to have a great chance to lose weight during sex. In other words, the more active you have sex, the more calories you expend, so, consequently, more likely to lose weight by having sex.

What of all this we can conclude? We can make them even more. Sex - it's still not simulator. Its main effect in the fight against overweight - psychological. You have improved mood and self-esteem, improves health, and therefore, the struggle with being overweight goes successfully. The more activity you show during sex (and the regular and prolonged sex), the greater the effect in terms of dropping the pounds you can expect. And finally, if sex, especially with a loved one - is that nature has given to us, why do not we take advantage of this great additional way of keeping yourself in shape?

Successful experiments you!

Tags: means, sex, weight loss