Fresh juice: use
Fresh juices are useful - it is an indisputable fact.
They contain vitamins and minerals, and they are quite easily assimilated by the body.
In freshly prepared vegetable and fruit drinks are also present cellulose and pectin - substances that regulate the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal peristalsis.
Many juices havehealing propertiesDue to substances that have anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.
They enhance immunity and have a beneficial effect in sleep disorders, depression, fatigue.
Fresh Juices basically not particularly calories and therefore are suitable for diets designed to reduce weight.
Fruit acids present in fresh juices, improve the body's ability to digest food.
Fresh juices: harm
This statement may seem directly contrary to the above, but it is quite true.
The fact that a number of diseases or that fresh juices can actually be harmful.
For Example,acidic juices (Apple, lemon, cranberry, etc.) is not recommended for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Fresh grape juiceBecause of the high calorific value and high content of glucose is not suitable for diseases of diabetes and excess weight.
Almost all the juice should be taken with caution or even abandon them at an irritable bowel, diarrhea. After all, most of the juices have a laxative effect and stimulate the bowels and stomach.
It is necessary to consult with your doctor before you start drinking fresh juice during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Young children also should be given with caution, starting with a low dose and after consulting a doctor.
Carrot juiceDespite the many useful properties, can cause severe liver disease. This occurs when the drink is used excessively.
Fresh tomato juice the present danger in any poisoning, even in the smallest form. The fact that it contains a number of substances that can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
About the use of this juice should consult a doctor cholelithiasis patients, gastric ulcer.
No fresh juices should not be taken uncontrollably. Firstly, increased fluid intake itself is not good for the cardiovascular system. Secondly, even the most useful products in excessive doses can only bring harm.
Do not forget about allergic reactions. If you are allergic to citrus, then have to eliminate all the juices related to this species.
Also, there is a risk for allergy sufferers when used juice of red, yellow, orange fruits and vegetables.
Some fresh juice is not recommended to use the medicine at the same time, this also needs to know.
How to drink fresh juices
This is not rocket science, and especially, however, it is better to follow some rules.
Firstly, the amount of fresh juices, drinks a day should not exceed three glasses. The optimal dose - 0, 3 l.
Do not think that the more you drink, the more pronounced the effect. Juices do not treat themselves. They have a restorative effect, preventive, curative. In the treatment of diseases of fresh juice drink as adjunctive therapy, not instead of it.
Juices should drinknot later than 15 minutes after preparationOtherwise they will lose their properties from contact with air. An exception is the beet juice that has to settle for 2-3 hours.
If you want to dilute the juiceBetter use for this is not plain water and mineral if plain water is taken, it must be clean and always boiled.
Drink fresh juices are bestseparately from food. Good such beverage cup drink between meals or at least half an hour before or after a half hour meal. This is especially true of fruit juices that may enhance the fermentation processes in the stomach.
After drinking fresh juices, especially acidic, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly. The fact that the fruit acids may corrode the enamel, the greatest risk in this respect are the very young.
As for the kids, it is best to consult with your pediatrician about what age and what to give him fresh juices. Start in any case, with a few teaspoons.
Many juices better drink mixed with other juices or drinks.
Such as carrot juice is better learned if it add a few drops of vitamin E, a little milk or cream.
A few drops of vegetable oil will increase the digestibility of tomato juice, but the salt will destroy it useful substances.
Fruit juices are best mixed with vegetable - So they will be less sweet. In addition, the fruit we get more vitamins and minerals, vegetables. So that the mixture would be balanced.
Juices of fruits with pits should not be mixed with fruit juices containing seeds. For example, peach juice does not fit well with the apple.
You can mix fresh juices, adhering to the rules of colors - yellow fruit juices mixed with other yellow, green - with green, and so on.
All fresh juices should be prepared from high-quality ripe, well washed and peeled fruit.
Fresh juice storage
Fresh Juicesstore is not recommendedFrom contact with air, they deteriorate. But if there is such a need, sometimes you can resort to this trick: pour the juice into a glass jar and pour lemon juice on top, so it does not leak air. Then closed and stored in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
What fresh juices are the most useful
To answer this question, we must first decide what kind of benefits you are going to get from juicing.
Let's just look at some of the properties of fresh juices and their effect on the body, maybe it will help you choose healthy drink for themselves.
Orange juice useful for vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis.
Pineapple and grapefruit juices good for weight loss.
Grape juice recommended in some diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and urinary tract, lungs, liver.
Apple juice contains many vitamins, useful for gastritis with low acidity, is used in low-calorie diets.
recommended for appetite loss, anemia, low activity of the stomach.
Tomato juice shows almost all (with exceptions noted above), even for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It inhibits putrefaction and fermentation processes in the stomach, is a good prevention of cancer, can be used in low-calorie diets.
Pumpkin juice useful as a choleretic agent, stimulates the stomach and intestines. Is shown in diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.
Carrot juice - A source of beta-carotene and a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Useful in avitaminosis, visual disturbances, respiratory diseases.
Cabbage juice in a heated state is very useful in diseases of the stomach and duodenum in the period after the exacerbation. It is used for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, inflammatory diseases of the gums. It has the ability to delay the conversion of carbohydrates in the fat and therefore is useful for obesity.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady