How to raise jump

How to raise jump
 The ability to jump high is necessary in many popular sports. It's hard to play basketball or volleyball, unable to fly over the ground for a decisive blow. That is why all professional athletes in the training program include special exercises for the development of jumping. If you want to learn how to jump, you are also not interfere.
 High jump - is not only strong muscles, but also the ability at the right moment to release the full force of the sharp directional thrust. Therefore, training should go jumping simultaneously in two directions: pumping muscles and development of propulsion.

The best exercises to develop leg muscle are squats. Squats with weights in the training program have athletes, tennis players, basketball players, boxers and skiers. In short, wherever you need strong legs.

Place the bar of the bar comfortably on the trapezius muscle, hold his hands. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Look straight ahead. Push your back and press. Slowly lower the body down while taking his pelvis back. Do not move your knees inside, they have to go where your feet look. Squat as low as you can. The lower you drop your hips, the higher the load on the extensors of the thighs and buttocks, but they are hard at work while jumping. At the lowest point can be delayed for one - two seconds and then gently return to the starting position.

Squats can be diversified. Perform squats followed by jumping out. To do this, take less weight: can be limited to one stamp or dumbbells. Needless to squat performed in technical terms as well, but having reached the lowest point, sharp push straighten legs and jump out upwards. Repeat without stopping.

The following exercise is aimed at the development of jumping. Stand with both feet on the high platform or gymnastic bench. Slightly bend your legs, bend forward, do the swing arms and jump down. As soon as his feet touch the ground without stopping, follow the jump to high lifting hips. Try to keep your knees touched his chest. Go back to the bench and repeat.

Stand on the platform height of 15-20 cm. Leap simultaneously lower your legs to the ground so that the platform was between your feet. Hitting return jump with both feet on the platform. Repeat jumping on the average rate for a minute, then take a break for 30 seconds and repeat. Gradually increase the height of the platform.

Additional exercises to develop endurance will be walking on his heels with jumping out. To do this you will need the help of partners. Move in a straight line in a deep crouch. Whistle or other signal from the assistant perform highest jump from lifting the thigh.

Due to the high shock load all jumping exercises should be performed in shoes with good cushioning. Best suited for running shoes sprinting.

Be sure to run in the average rate accelerations as a starter or in between the jump and strength training.

Tags: foot jump