How do sports at home effective

How do sports at home effective
 Subscribe to the fitness club today can afford not to everyone. But the slender body of the dream of almost everything. Why not study at home? You probably find excuses: house all wrong, and do not go out. The only point is that you do not know how to make your home workouts effective.
 Do you have free time, some of the exercises and the desire to lose weight ... Here are just a desire to have somehow not. This is - a huge obstacle. After all, when you go to school somewhere else, get out will not work - you've come. How to motivate home? Make a schedule for yourself. Two or three times a week you have the sport, period. It will not be possible to delay the beginning of classes for another denechek or stretch until the evening, when the sport will already be over.

Own the carpet and the floor seem a good place to practice? And for good reason. At a minimum, you will need a yoga mat. Doing exercises on the floor too hard on the couch or bed - gently. Do not want to spend the day, suddenly will not do? That's another reason for motivation. Having invested in a class some money, take time off will not work. And the cost of the required minimum inventory several times less than the price of subscription to the gym.

At first need small dumbbells: 2-3 kg. Gradually, engaging and finding new exercises, you will realize that you still want to buy.

The key point - the exercises that you perform. Full training program can be found in any women's magazine (note that in the same issue of the same type and exercise usually train one zone) or on the Internet. Choose exercises that you prefer. It does not refer to the principle of "it's easier", and that you really interesting and understandable to perform. After all, sometimes the instructions written out completely incomprehensible.

Help out the video tutorials. But this need and the availability of a TV or computer near the site of your trenerovok. Yet to reach the hands of all the necessary settings, and to engage in all rashochetsya. It is better to see the lessons in advance, remember them, and then follow the exercises themselves.

Some sports and fitness complex to learn on their own. For example, in yoga you do not immediately realize that it is wrong perform asanas. Most fitness centers are carried out one-time occupation. Their cost is small compared to the price of the subscription. Visit them a couple of times and repeat the exercises at home.

Tags: house, occupation, sports