
 What should be the quality underwear? Of course, beautiful and sexy, comfortable to wear, pleasant to the touch, durable and strong enough. Someone might add that underwear should create a perfect silhouette, pulling in the right places, or have the effect of a "second skin", and still have a bacteriostatic action, to remove moisture from the body, and even care for the skin ...  

Linen Revolution

The revolution in the production of underwear, especially stocking, began in 1938. Then Wallace Carothers, a researcher at the US company DuPont, opened the famous nylon. Advertising slogan news proclaimed that this fiber is made from the air, but stronger than steel. Due to the nylon made possible the emergence of a light, fast-drying, durable and nemnuschegosya linen. Next fateful event - the appearance in 1958 of Lycra (Lycra) - elastane fibers, invented again Dupont. Lycra yarn (a type of polyurethane) can stretch 14 times. Cotton, silk and wool with Lycra provide perfect fit product, such products perfectly retain their shape and do not crumple.

Today in the manufacture of underwear extremely popular materials made on the basis of nylon - polyamide: taktel - Tactel®, sapleks Supplex® and Meryl - Meril®. All this can be called a capacious notion of microfiber, although we often call it the Italian style - microfiber.

Taktel made from the finest gossamer threads of both nylon. The skin in it breathes well, and lingerie from taktelya very nice to look at and to touch.

Material sapleks appeared recently. Its peculiarity is that, in spite of synthetic origin, he is virtually indistinguishable from cotton. Like natural materials sapleks perfectly breathable, but unlike cotton it is very durable.

Material Meryl also actively used by manufacturers. He has the best qualities of synthetics: durable, gentle to the touch, perfectly breathable. In addition, the product of a measure sit perfectly on the body.

Universal Lycra

The presence of lycra in the product can be identified by special labels Lycra. Typically, in conventional models panties and bra lycra about 8-15%. Slightly more (20%) used in corrective and swimsuit models. The presence in the product taktelya, sapleksa, measure or dorlastana also need to confirm special labels. Their outstanding manufacturers manufacturers of these threads - INVISTA, BAYER, NYLSTAR. The presence of these labels - at least some guarantee against counterfeiting. And yet - the quality underwear - a product of high tech textiles. That is why it needs to be treated accordingly. Experts recommend washing in a special nylon bag, but particularly expensive and delicate lingerie is better still to wash her hands. It is worth it.

Fans of all natural

Despite the rapid development of synthetic materials, the value of natural, somewhat weakened after the invention of nylon, has now been restored and is constantly growing. Modern women, as is evident from the polls are still highly valued, especially cotton silk, whose gentle touch to the body combined with antibacterial properties, as well as the ability to absorb the evaporation of the skin. As for the clothes made of cotton, despite its trump card - softness, difficult for us to come to terms with his shortcomings. Malogigienichen material (hard satisfied with this content), and long dries quickly wears out. In addition, cotton virtually retains its shape and is deformed during wear. Therefore, modern manufacturers still prefer to use cotton in combination with Lycra, nylon or rayon.

And what about the hair? Today it is actively used by manufacturers of thermal underwear. Wool fibers (especially wool rare species) are natural dietary fibers. They have a considerable reserve of internal energy. Handing it to man, wool fibers mitigate adverse environmental effects. In addition, products containing wool beneficial effects on the thermoregulatory mechanism of the man and his immunity. True wool has the same drawback as the cotton - its products are subject to rapid wear and easy to lose shape. The output is the same - a bit of lycra and nylon and wool loses all deficiencies!

Lingerie name Andersen

Remember, as in Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans" girl, burning hands, sewing shirts for the brothers of the nettle to their spell? Almost the same now engaged a British professor. If he succeeds, then in ten years we'll be wearing shorts and T-shirts made from nettles .... Its fibers are very strong, and their medicinal properties is not in doubt. Something similar has already obtained from the leaves of corn and bamboo, and soy fiber material even when processing does not lose the healing ability and is able to nourish the body with amino acids. As you can see, there is no limit to perfection ...

Wonderful capsules

One of the most advanced technologies, ispulzuemyh now in the textile industry and particularly in the production of underwear and stockings - microencapsulation. We are talking about the unusual microcapsules that can be placed in various active ingredients (perfume balm, lotion or antibacterial agents), resulting in lingerie takes a variety of valuable properties. This process is relatively simple. The microcapsules have a size from 0.5 to 200 microns and represent a grid of droplets surrounded by a thin polymeric shell, which protects the active substance. In the process of socks microcapsules gradually break, while stressing its contents. As a result, lingerie takes a variety of cosmetic and therapeutic functions: moisturizes the skin and has anti-cellulite effect, absorbs unpleasant odors, and even on hot days guarantees you a fresh feeling. Despite the fact that the technology of microencapsulation appeared for a long time, very popular, it did not use. Largely because of the capsule broke too quickly. It was enough just five washings - and all properties were lost. The problem was to remove the company INVISTA. A few years ago, she developed a unique technology LYCRA BODY CARE®. Linen from this material retains wonderful properties to 25-30 machine washings, and even longer if you want to wash clothes by hand. It is expected that with the technology Lingerie LYCRA BODY CARE® will appear in Russia in the coming months. 

Tags: linen